邮件主题是客人是否打开邮件的关键 , 现在几乎每个公司都会发广告邮件 , 客人的邮箱里面排满了各种各样的广告邮件 , 如果比较随意编写类似于“product supplier” , 或者干脆把自己的产品名作为邮件主题 , 被客人打开的机率并不高 , 也有童鞋干脆编写“order”这样的主题 , 虽然可以吸引大量的客人打开 , 但是其结果可想而知 , 一定会收到大量的回应“RE:fuck!”
编写一个恰到好处的邮件主题 , 对于开发信的效果起到决定性的作用 。
“我们最新研发了解决某个问题的新产品 。”
类似的邮件主题 , 应该会获取客户更多的目光 。
邮件内容主要有2种格式 , 一种是网页格式(html) , 一种是文本格式(txt) , 它们主要的区别:
网页格式(html):可以编写图文并茂漂亮的邮件内容 , 可以带链接 , 可以编辑文字的颜色和大小 。
文本格式(txt):只能编写单纯的文字段落 , 无法插入任何的图片 , 链接 , 无法修改文字的颜色大小 。
严格来说 , 纯文本的邮件比网页格式邮件亲和度好 , 被屏蔽的概率要低 , 但是实际上建议不同的产品行业选择合适的邮件内容格式 , 例如快速消费品 , 电子产品行业 , 邮件内容中带一些漂亮的图片也许会更加吸引客人的询价了解 , 总之回复率最高的邮件内容格式就是最适合自己的 。
(PS:大多数邮件系统对于陌生邮件的大小都会严格控制 , 如果邮件超过一定容量则会直接遭到屏蔽 , 建议整个邮件内容大小不要超过300KB , 在软件里面点击预览后在右上角即可看到邮件的总大小 。)
2.开发信如何写啊我这有两个开发信的格式 , 供你参考
Dear Mr. Steven Hans,
We get your name and email address from your trade lead on that you are in the market for ball pen. We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build business cooperation in the future.
We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. You are welcome to visit our website which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.
Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.
As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.
Best regards,
Dafu Wong
Dear Sir,
This is **, from *** Industries Co., Ltd.. So glad to have this opportunity to contact with you.
We are a professional company which has manufactured ** for more than * years in China, and
always be reliable partner to provide our products to ***.
For some new items, please check the attachment or visit 网址
If customer developments are needed, please contact us at 联系邮箱
We are looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
3.开发信到底怎么写外贸开发信一直是比较头痛业务员的话题 , 可是开发海外客户很大一部分是依靠外贸开发信的 , 你知道你的外贸开发信出现哪些问题了吗?下面就和苏维博欣一起讨论一下外贸开发信的写作重点吧 。
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