
1.风轻云淡英语怎么写风轻云淡——微风轻拂,浮云淡薄 。形容天气晴好 。同“风轻云净”、“云淡风轻 。后来引申表达一种宁静,闲适,恬淡的心境 。与“宠辱不惊,闲看庭前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒 。
1. Just now, just dies are the greatest expression of this under the pale.
刚才的云卷云舒,刚才的风轻云淡,刚才的葱葱郁郁都在这场最伟大的表白下黯然失色 。
2. His words seem to have a healing effect for the weary souls of the city folks. Why so?
他的文字仿佛有治疗效果,制式环境里心为形役的都市人,抽空读一两篇他的好文,心情真的会风轻云淡地飘荡起来 。
3. Has calculated, when is the passing mist lets itswind light cloud be pale.
算了,就当是过往的云烟让它风轻云淡 。
4. Who disturb my peace, so that the original fine, clear sky, streaks of more misty thoughts, enveloped downtown.
是谁打扰了我的平静,让原本风轻云淡的天空,多了几缕飘渺的思绪,笼罩繁华 。
5. Have as clear in the days to come, have a brilliant smile Tuann you love dolphins sleep with you, front of the stars at night, whispering in your water, the favorite to listen to fairy tales to you, happy as a transparent you, where to?
6. Is pale in the time mighty current stroke light cloud, perhaps these I one-sided wished the tenacious commemoration once.
在时间的洪流中风轻云淡或许那些我一厢情愿固执纪念的曾经 。
7. Is a light cloud in breeze thinly the manner smiles to eye the salute.
是风轻云淡地礼貌微笑着注视问候 。
2.写一段关于刘诗诗的英文介绍刘诗诗,中国内地女演员 。
出生于北京,于2006年毕业于北京舞蹈学院芭蕾舞系本科 。2004年10月参演电视剧《月影风荷》女一号,从此踏入了演艺道路 。
2009年,因出演电视剧《仙剑奇侠传三》中的“龙葵”一角而被观众所熟知 。之后相继参演了《倚天屠龙记》《天涯织女》《怪侠一枝梅》等具有代表性的电视剧作品 。
2011年,随着穿越剧《步步惊心》的热播,刘诗诗凭借着“马尔泰·若曦”这一角色而人气飙升,获得了观众更多的关注 。LiuShiShi, Chinese mainland actress. Was born in Beijing, graduated in 2006 from Beijing dance academy of ballet undergraduate course. In October 2004 in a TV drama "happy forever prescribed by ritual law" female one, from now on the road into acting. In 2009, for her roles in TV series "xianjian JiXia preach three" in the "solanum nigrum" was known in the corner. Have landed after the YiTian tu2 long2 to record "the fairy's" the strange man YiZhiMei "and so on the representative of television drama. In 2011, with the more than upset at every step of the shaoxing opera wear that, LiuShiShi with "MaErTai · if dongxi" this role and popularity soared, get the audience much more attention. 。
3.写一段关于刘诗诗的英文介绍Liu Shishi, Chinese actress. Born in Beijing in March 10, 1987, graduated from Beijing Dance Academy in 2006 ballet bachelor. In 2004 October TV drama" wind" on female, then entered the path for the performing arts. In 2007 January and the Shanghai film company signed officially become its artists. Representative works include" strange strange woman"" strange immortal sword chivalrous swordsman biography three"" skyline" Weaver" Tales a plum" step by step" and so on.". 。

