
1.用英文介绍下壮族语言壮语简介 壮族作为一个民族,它重要的基本特征就是有本民族的共通语言——壮语 。
壮语是一种有着悠久历史的优美语言,它是壮族人民千百年来在共同的生活、生产和斗争中创造的 。由于长期与汉人相处,壮语不断地吸收汉语的用语来丰富自己 。
但壮族人民非常懂得珍惜保护自己的语言,所以壮语在基本语汇和基本语法方面都有自己的特征 。壮族后来分布到西南不少地方,语言都是大同小异,语根词汇变化很少 。
按国内一般的观点认为,壮语属于汉藏语系中的壮侗语族、壮傣语支 。不过壮语系属问题仍旧有争论,国外的观点大都认为属于台-加岱语系,鉴于同源词是亲属语言的唯一证据,属于台-加岱语系的观点是比属于汉藏语系要有根据的 。
壮语大致可分南北两大方言,十二个土语区,但从语音、语法、词汇等方面看其内容的一致性还比较大 。其内部分支如下:邕北土语、红水河土语、柳江土语、桂北土语、右江土语、桂边土语、邱北土语、连山土语;邕南土语、左江土语、德靖土语、砚广土语、文麻土语 。
Zhuang IntroductionZhuang, as a nation, it is important to have this basic feature is the nation's common language - Zhuang. Zhuang is a beautiful language with a long history, which is the Zhuang people for thousands of years of common life, production and struggle to create. As a long time to get along with the Han Chinese, Zhuang absorbing Chinese language to enrich themselves. But the Zhuang people are very aware of the value to protect their own language, so Zhuang basic vocabulary and basic grammar has its own characteristics. Zhuang was distributed to many parts of the southwest, language is very much the same language root words change very little.According to the domestic general view, the Zhuang language belongs to Sino-Tibetan languages in the Zhuang-Dong, Zhuang and Dai language branch. Zhuang language is a problem however, is still controversial, foreign views largely considered to be Taiwan - Jia Dai language, given the relative language cognates are the only evidence, belongs to Taiwan - Jia Dai language belongs to the view that the Sino-Tibetan languages have more than basis. Zhuang broadly divided into two major north-south dialect, 12 dialect areas, but voice, grammar, vocabulary, etc. to see the consistency of its content is also relatively large.Its internal branches are as follows: Yong northern dialect, Red River dialect, Liujiang dialect, northern Guangxi dialect, Youjiang dialect, Guangxi border dialect, Qiu Northern dialect, Hill dialect; Yong in Southern dialect, left River dialect, dialect De Jing, Yan Canton dialect, Wen Ma dialect. 壮族文字由来 壮族先民在长期的生产实践和社会活动中,为了便于记事和进行交流,在商周时期就创造了刻划文字符号 。这种文字在壮族创世史诗《布洛陀》中称为sawgoek,意为本源书,即最古老的文字 。
从广西出土的战国至汉代的文物中看到,这种刻划符号开始出现对物象轮廓的勾勒,有向象形文字发展的趋势,它比结绳记事前进了一步 。后来,随着汉文化在壮族地区的广泛传揪播,壮族先民又吸取并仿造汉字六书的构字方格,创造出sawndip,意即生造字 。
这就是史籍所称的"土俗字",又叫"方块土俗字"或"方块壮字" 。这种文字有的是借用汉字的偏旁部首重新组合而成,有的是借用汉字注壮语音义,有些是创造的类象形字 。
本源书和土俗字是壮族文字发展史上两个阶段的表现形式 。学术界一般认为,壮族的土俗字始于唐,兴于宋而盛于明清,既有碑刻,且有大量的师公唱本和民歌抄本传世 。
壮族的许多传统长诗、神话故事等藉此得以保存 。由于历史的原因,这种文字没有得到规范和统一,至今亦只在民间的一定范围里应用 。