
1.翻译歌词《自由飞翔》中译英【自由飛翔英语怎么写】Yo Yo Come On Baby Go Yo Yo It feels like this Fragrance of the way light waves are whirling Want to turn the concept of cause and effect to those non - Fragrance of the way so I kept elusive Yo Yo Baby Come On Who is singing the warmth of the lonely White clouds drifting leisurely in the sky still tears In that one life was shrouded in a Kingdom of Heaven was brilliant to see the fireworks from afar Yo Yo Come On Baby Go Yo Yo It feels like this Fragrance of the way light waves are whirling Want to turn the concept of cause and effect to those non - Fragrance of the way so I kept elusive Yo Yo Baby Come On Who is listening to the song lonely forgotten Fragrant years have been a long night all the way flow In that sea of the crowd you are silent And I drift into the horizon with the staggered In your mind the freedom to fly Wander eternally bright Starlight Illuminate the direction of the way my heart The endless frontier I go the distance with the Don `t Come back Production: Dai Hua QQ: 765575070 Who is singing the warmth of the lonely White clouds drifting leisurely in the sky still tears In that one life was shrouded in a Kingdom of Heaven was brilliant to see the fireworks from afar OK Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo In your mind the freedom to fly Wander eternally bright Starlight Illuminate the direction of the way my heart The endless frontier I go the distance with the Don `t Come back This is my feeling of a long journey Should not allow me to continue such a pain Do not cover, I will insist on walking down the The original community wind with us the whereabouts of Steps to lose weight to become self-re - I will enjoy great fascination with landscape to relax Breeze with such a heavy days I Corporate Banking Have already moved to tears by your water from melting (Drive drive drive called on。
。) Yo Yo Baby Come On In your mind the freedom to fly Wander eternally bright Starlight Illuminate the direction of the way my heart The endless frontier I go the distance with the 0 。

