
Dear xx,
Hope all is well.
I are writing to you in connection with the product price. I am interested in the item no.xx. Please would you send it to me by email or via express. If the price is competitive, the appreciable purchase order will be placed with you within one week upon we receive your quotation.
Looking forward to hearing from you a.s.a.p..
Best regards
2.【求人帮我写一份英语函电的报价,询价信,有意愿的可以说下,我把我会这样写询价信,不知道您会怎么写呢?Dear xx,Hope all is well.I are writing to you in connection with the product price.I am interested in the item no.xx.Please would you send it to me by email or via express.If the price is competitive,the appreciable purchase order will be placed with you within one week upon we receive your quotation.Looking forward to hearing from you a.s.a.p..Best regardsxx 。
3.第一次海运费询价英文邮件怎么写Hi, !
Please kindly help with below urgent rate inquiry.
TTL: 6Plts/2Ton/20CBM
Cargo: Paper Liner
Final Place of Delivery:
Prodinger Verpackung oHG
Att. Mr. Matschkowski, Fichtenweg
Cargo will be ready within this week.
Please kindly advice:
EMC and CMA are our preferred carrier. Do you have any recommended carrier that we could enjoy a lower destination charge? Do you have any good rate on hand?
If there is any more info needed, please feel free to contact. If you are not the right person to contact, please kindly help to forward this email.
Thank you very much.
Dear procurement,
I, as the major local manufacturer, am writing to let you know that you are not allowed to have any customer because you only need to purchase what you want from us only.
Of course, we will offer you our best service and good quality of products.
We can be good partner too and benefits from each other.
Please don't hesitate to let me know what you think.
Your sincerely,
John Smith,
Director of the manufacture.
5.我们是制造商从采购商抢客的英文函电要怎么写对应的英文函:Dear procurement,I, as the major local manufacturer, am writing to let you know that you are not allowed to have any customer because you only need to purchase what you want from us only.Of course, we will offer you our best service and good quality of products. We can be good partner too and benefits from each other.Please don't hesitate to let me know what you think.Your sincerely,John Smith,Director of the manufacture 。
6.怎么用英文写商业询盘Dear sirs,
I'm very pleased to inform you that we are interested in your product since there is a strong demand for(填产品名称),and we know that you are a leading exporter of it.We shall be obliged if you will provide us your best quotations and time of delevery together with an illustrated catalogue.Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
你给的资料不够,我只能这么帮你写了 。我就是学商务英语的,虽然才刚入门,不过能保证给你的这个没问题 。
楼上的那个,从哪复制来的,好是挺好,但不是询盘 。你那是在介绍自己公司,搞反了
7.正式的书面表达有关询问进口事宜的信件应该怎么写外贸函电讲究简练,可以用一个单词说明的事情,绝对不要用第二个 。
函电的第一条应该是主题,英文写作 RE: XXXXXX ,可以将你们询价的商品名称写在这里 。正文也必须简练,可以逐条罗列你们想要了解的货物的规格,性能,质量,价格及价格条款,付款方式等,其次,还有运输细节,货物包装等 。
建议你最好找一位熟悉进口询价的专业人士当面协助你,询价看似简单,其实不然,如果你的询价写的很专业,对方就会比较关注你,也会给你比较好的价格,如果写的不专业,对方就可能轻视你 。