
1.一串钥匙用英语怎么说“一串钥匙”的英文释义为a bunch of keys、a chain of keys或者a set of keys 。
key 英 [ki?] n. (打字机等的)键;关键;钥匙 vt. 键入;锁上;调节…的音调;提供线索 vi. 使用钥匙 adj. 关键的 n. (Key)人名;(英)基;(德、荷、瑞典)凯
As he gave me the shop keys, he pointed to a trailer. 他边指着一辆拖车,边递给我一串钥匙 。
In today's cartoon Pat Oliphant shows us the young George W. Bush returning a bunch of keys to his father, who is seated in an armchair. 在今天的漫画中,漫画家派特-奥列芬特画出了小时候的小布什正把一串钥匙还给爸爸,此时爸爸正坐在安乐椅上 。
He opened the door of the cell with a bunch of keys he picked up from a wooden board nailed to the wall.他从墙上的木板上拿起一串钥匙,打开拘捕室 。
The up-to-date term for this is self-care, and the old term described those children easily identified by thekey hanging from a string around their neck. 这种情况说时髦点是自我照顾,传统说法说的是脖子上挂着一串钥匙、独自在家的孩子 。
And at the age of two, quite content to "durdle" away to herself or fiddle with a bunch of keys, Yvette was ashappy as any toddler I had ever seen. 当两岁的Yvette自得其乐地‘嘚嘟’着或摆弄着一串钥匙时,她和我所见到的任何一个孩子一样是快乐的 。
T-Bag's foot steps on a set of keys. T-Bag的脚踩到了一串钥匙上 。
A set of keys swung from her belt. 她腰带上挂着的一串钥匙摆来摆去 。
Using only a camera, a computer and a key-cutting machine, scientists have duplicated sets of keys aftertaking snaps of them from more than 60 metres away. 只需要一台照相机、一台电脑和一台配钥匙机,科学家们通过在60米开外进行拍照就可以复制一串钥匙 。
In another, they used a telephoto lens to take pictures of a set of keys on a cafe table from the roof of auniversity building. 在另一次演示中,他们站在一所大学的楼顶上,通过远摄镜头拍到了咖啡桌上的一串钥匙 。
Her mother wrote out a set of rules, gave her a key, and told her what neighbor to call if there was a problem.母亲给她制定了一些规定,给了她一串钥匙,告诉她有困难可以找哪位邻居 。

