爱迪生用英语怎么说( 二 )

Edison is the first person in human history to use the principles of mass production and electrical engineering research to make patents that have a profound impact on the world.
The phonograph, movie camera, and electric light he invented have had a great impact on the world. He has invented more than 2,000 inventions in his lifetime and has more than 1,000 patents.
1879年10月21日,美国科学家爱迪生发明了电灯,即白炽灯,是一种透过通电,利用电阻把幼细丝线加热至白炽,用来发光的灯 。爱迪生是世界上第一个发明家利用大量生产原则和其工业研究实验室来生产发明物的人 。爱迪生名下拥有专利数累计超过1500项 。1892年创立通用电气公司 。
电灯泡或称电球,其准确技术名称为白炽灯,是一种透过通电,利用电阻把幼细丝线(现代通常为钨丝)加热至白炽,用来发光的灯 。电灯泡外围由玻璃制造,把灯丝保持在真空,或低压的惰性气体之下,作用是防止灯丝在高温之下氧化 。
一般认为电灯是由美国人托马斯·爱迪生所发明 。但倘若认真的考据,另一美国人亨利·戈培尔(Heinrich G?bel)比爱迪生早数十年已发明了相同原理和物料,而且可靠的电灯泡,而在爱迪生之前很多其他人亦对电灯的发明作出了不少贡献 。
1801年,英国化学家戴维将铂丝通电发光 。他亦在1810年发明了电烛,利用两根碳棒之间的电弧照明 。1854年亨利·戈培尔使用一根炭化的竹丝,放在真空的玻璃瓶下通电发光 。他的发明今天看来是首个有实际效用的白炽灯 。他当时试验的灯泡已可维持400小时,但是并没有即时申请设计专利 。
参考资料来源:人民网-10月21日 1879年—美国科学家爱迪生发明了电灯
3.爱迪生的英文简介是什么EDISON, Thomas Alva (1847–1931), American inventor, whose development of a practical electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-recording device, and motion picture projector had profound effects on the shaping of modern society.Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on Feb. 11, 1847. He attended school for only three months, in Port Huron, Mich. When he was 12 years old he began selling newspapers on the Grand Trunk Railway, devoting his spare time mainly to experimentation with printing presses and with electrical and mechanical apparatus. In 1862 he published a weekly, known as the Grand Trunk Herald, printing it in a freight car that also served as his laboratory. For saving the life of a station official's child, he was rewarded by being taught telegraphy. While working as a telegraph operator, he made his first important invention, a telegraphic repeating instrument that enabled messages to be transmitted automatically over a second line without the presence of an operator.Edison next secured employment in Boston and devoted all his spare time there to research. He invented a vote recorder that, although possessing many merits, was not sufficiently practical to warrant its adoption. He also devised and partly completed a stock-quotation printer. Later, while employed by the Gold and Stock Telegraph Co. of New York City he greatly improved their apparatus and service. By the sale of telegraphic appliances, Edison earned $40,000, and with this money he established his own laboratory in 1876. Afterward he devised an automatic telegraph system that made possible a greater speed and range of transmission. Edison's crowning achievement in telegraphy was his invention of machines that made possible simultaneous transmission of several messages on one line and thus greatly increased the usefulness of existing telegraph lines. Important in the development of the telephone, which had recently been invented by the American physicist and inventor Alexander Graham Bell, was Edison's invention of the carbon telephone transmitter.In 1877 Edison announced his invention of a phonograph by which sound could be recorded mechanically on a tinfoil cylinder. Two years later he exhibited publicly his incandescent electric light bulb, his most important invention and the one requiring the most careful research and experimentation to perfect. This new light was a remarkable success; Edison promptly occupied himself with the improvement of the bulbs and of the dynamos for generating the necessary electric current. In 1882 he developed and installed the world's first large central electric-power station, located in New York City. His use of direct current, however, later lost out to the alternating-current system developed by the American inventors Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse.In 1887 Edison moved his laboratory from Menlo Park, N.J., to West Orange, N.J., where he constructed a large laboratory for experimentation and research. (His home and laboratory were established as the Edison National Historic Site in 1955.) In 1888 he invented the kinetoscope, the first machine to produce motion pictures by a rapid succession of individual views. Among his later noteworthy inventions was the Edison storage battery (an alkaline, nickel-iron storage battery), the result of many thousands of experiments. The battery was extremely rugged and had a high electrical capacity per unit of weight. He also developed a phonograph in which the sound was impressed on a disk instead of a cylinder. This phonograph had a diamond needle and other improved features. By synchronizing his phonograph and kinetoscope, he produced, in 1913, the first talking moving pictures. His other discoveries include the electric pen, the mimeograph, the microtasimeter (used for the detection of minute changes in temperature), and a wireless telegraphic method for communicating with moving trains. At the outbreak of World War I, Edison designed, built, and operated plants for the manufacture of benzene, carbolic acid, and aniline derivatives. In 1915 he was appointed president of the U.S. Navy Consulting Board and in that capacity made many valuable discoveries. His later work consisted mainly of improving and perfecting previous inventions. Altogether, Edison patented more than 1000 inventions. He was a technologist rather than a scientist, adding little to original scientific knowledge. In 1883, however, he did observe the flow of electrons from a heated filament—the so-called Edison effect—whose profound implications for modern electronics were not。