多好啊用英语怎么说( 二 )

What's the price of the dictionary? 这本辞典多少钱?
4.引导感叹句 , 修饰名词 , 如果所修饰的名词是单数可数名词 , 则在名词前加a或an 。如:
What a fine day it is! 天气多好啊!
What an interesting story you told us! 你给我们讲了个多么有趣的故事啊!
注意与how的区别 , 所修饰的词是形容词或副词 , 则用how来引导 。试比较:
How beautiful she is! 她长得多漂亮啊!
What a beautiful flower it is! 这朵花多漂亮啊!
3.啊 用英语怎么说啊感叹词(表示惊异或赞叹)Oh; O; Oho:Oh, what a surprise!啊! 多么令人惊奇呀!Oh, what a nice view!啊! 多美丽的景色!啊(呵) [á] 感叹词(表示追问、疑问或征求意见) eh; hey; what; why:Eh?; Pardon?啊? 你说什么?So you won't go tomorrow, eh?啊 ,  那么你明天不去了?啊(呵) [ǎ] 感叹词(表示惊疑) what:What! Is that true?啊! 那是真的吗?What! This railway took only two years to build?啊! 这条铁路只用两年就修成啦?啊(呵) [à] 感叹词1. (表示应诺 ,  发音较短) well; yes:Yes, I'm coming.啊 ,  我就来 。
2. (表示明白过来 ,  发音较长) oh; ah:Oh, I see.啊 ,  我懂了 。Ah, so it's you.啊 ,  原来是你!3. (表示惊异或赞叹 ,  发音较长) oh:Oh, what a beautiful garden!啊 ,  多美的花园!4. (表示悲痛、遗憾或忧伤) woe:Woe is me!啊 ,  我真不幸!啊(阿、呵) [a] 助词1. (用于句末表示赞叹):What a place!多好的地方啊!What an inspiring news this is!这是多么鼓舞人心的消息啊!2. (用于句末表示肯定、辩解、催促、嘱咐等):What you say is quite true.你这话说得是啊 。
I did it because they asked me to do it!我做这事是因为他们请我做啊!3. (用于句末表示疑问):When are you going to start on your journey?你们哪天去旅行啊?4. (用于句中稍作停顿 ,  让人注意下面的话):Look! You can't go on like this.你啊 , 老这样下去可不行!5. (用于列举的事项之后):The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables -- eggplants, cucumbers, cabbages, tomatoes.茄子啊 ,  黄瓜啊 ,  卷心菜啊 ,  西红柿啊 ,  各种蔬菜摆满了货架 。6. (用于重复的动词后 ,  表示过程长) on and on:They went on and on till they came to a river.他们走啊 ,  走啊 ,  一直走到河边 。
希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O。
4.英语名句翻译(越多越好)temper, if ungoverned, governs the whole man. 放纵性情 , 失去自我 。
the best remedy for a short temper is a long walk. 慢行降急火 。trust is the single most important factor in both personal and professional relationships. 为人做事 , 信任至上 。
things that are what they seem to be, are so rare that you cannot recognize them when you see them. 事情往往不象你看到的那么简单易认 。there's no use going back for a lost opportunity - someone else has already found it. 机会错过不再有 , 有人已捡走 。
in prosperity, prepare for change; in adversity, hope for one. 顺境中虑及变故 , 逆境中有信心克服 。success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets. 成功是得靠你自己双手攀登的阶梯 。
the two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success. 人生最难处理的两件事 , 就是成功和失败 。you shouldn't look back except to learn. 除了知新 , 还应温故 。