
1. 照片英文怎么写 照片 n. photograph, picture, photo 如果照相机焦点不对准,照片就会模糊 。
If the camera is not brought into focus, the photo will be blurred.把照片放大have a photograph enlarged大照片常由小照片放大而成 。An enlargement is often made from a small photograph.附寄一张照片enclosed herewith a photo免冠照片bareheaded photo这些照片使我回想起我的学生时代 。
The photographs made me think back to my schooldays.我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念 。My friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.如果照相机镜头聚焦不准,照片就会模糊不清 。
If your camera is not brought into focus, the photograph will be blurried.照片显出了明晰的影像 。The photograph showed a distinct image.这照片比你本人漂亮 。
This photograph flatters you.她把照片抢了过去 。He snatched away the photo.这张照片有点失真 。
The picture isn't quite true to the original.在第四十四页上有一张一艘船的照片 。There is a picture of a ship on page 44.一张照片graphic; a photo; a photograph; a picture看照片的时候仔细点儿,别弄脏了 。
When you look at the photographs, please be careful and don't smudge them.扫描电子显微镜照片scanning electron micrograph我帮我的同学扫描照片 。I helped my classmate scan the pictures.随信寄上三张照片 。
Enclosed in the letter are three photos.我随信附上一张照片 。I have enclosed a photo with this letter.我把照片和信一并寄给你 。
I will send you the photo along with the letter.这些照片是在哪儿拍的?где были сделаны эти фотографии? 。
2. 相片的单词怎么写 如果你指的是胶片的话就是film 如果是照片就是picture或photo(如果强调用相机拍摄的话最好用photo) 一些其他摄影词汇 也许你会用到 still camera 照相机 cinecamera 电影摄影机 (美式英语:movie camera) television camera 电视摄像机 box camera 箱式照相机 folding camera 风箱式照相机 搐亥陛酵桩寂标檄钵漏 lens 镜头 aperture 光圈 wide-angle lens 广角镜头 diaphragm 光圈 telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头 zoom lens 变焦头,可变焦距的镜头 eyepiece 目镜 filter 滤光镜 shutter 快门 shutter release 快门线 viewfinder 取景器 telemeter, range finder 测距器 photometer, exposure meter 曝光表 photoelectric cell 光电管 mask 遮光黑纸 sunshade 遮光罩 tripod 三角架 flash, flashlight 闪光灯 guide number 闪光指数 magazine (相机中的)软片盒 cartridge 一卷胶卷 spool 片轴 film 胶片,胶卷 plate 感光片 latitude 宽容度 plateholder 胶片夹 spotlight, floodlight 聚光灯 。
3. 相片的单词怎么写【照片单词怎么写】 如果你指的是胶片的话就是film如果是照片就是picture或photo(如果强调用相机拍摄的话最好用photo)一些其他摄影词汇 也许你会用到still camera 照相机cinecamera 电影摄影机 (美式英语:movie camera)television camera 电视摄像机box camera 箱式照相机folding camera 风箱式照相机lens 镜头aperture 光圈wide-angle lens 广角镜头diaphragm 光圈telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头zoom lens 变焦头,可变焦距的镜头eyepiece 目镜filter 滤光镜shutter 快门shutter release 快门线viewfinder 取景器telemeter, range finder 测距器photometer, exposure meter 曝光表photoelectric cell 光电管mask 遮光黑纸sunshade 遮光罩tripod 三角架flash, flashlight 闪光62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333264626638灯guide number 闪光指数magazine (相机中的)软片盒cartridge 一卷胶卷spool 片轴film 胶片,胶卷plate 感光片latitude 宽容度plateholder 胶片夹spotlight, floodlight 聚光灯 。