
1. 沙发用英语怎么写 英语:sofa
英 [?s??f?] 美 [?so?f?]
英语解释:an upholstered seat for more than one person
1. She sat down next to him on the sofa. 她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了 。
2. The kitten was curled on a cushion on the sofa. 那只小猫在沙发垫子上蜷缩成了一团 。
3. I decided to ditch the sofa bed. 我决定把沙发床扔了 。
4. She stretched out on the sofa and kicked off her shoes. 她四肢平摊躺在沙发上,踢掉了鞋子 。
5. He is sitting beside her on the sofa. 他挨着她坐在沙发上 。
2. 沙发用英语怎么说 沙发的英语:Sofa读音:英 ['s??f?] 美 ['so?f?]n. 沙发词汇搭配:1、wheel the sofa round 把沙发旋转过来2、broad sofa 宽沙发3、sofa table沙发桌 4、sofa chair 沙发椅常见句型:1、She bought the sofa at the department store.她在百货公司买了这沙发 。
2、The sofa functions as a bed at night.这沙发在夜里可以当床 。3、There's little spring in this sofa.这张沙发几乎没什么弹性 。
4、她把沙发垫子拍得鼓鼓的 。She plumps up the sofa cushion. 扩赞资料:词义辨析n. (名词)sofa, bench, chair, seat这四个词都表示可以坐的物品,所指并不相同:1、bench指长凳,可有背,也可无背; 2、chair指有背的单人椅; 3、seat指固定在汽车、火车、飞机、轮船,剧院、礼堂里的座位; 4、sofa则指沙发 。

