
1. 英语的根据所提供情景写句子就是翻译句子就对了【提供英语怎么写】 1.你想知道同桌同学Amy是否每天步行上学,你问Amy: Do you go to school on foot?2.你如何告诉别人说你比哥哥瘦,但是你比他强壮:I am thinner than my elder brother ,but stronger than you.3.当你打断别人的谈话时,你应该说:Excuese me,but I have to interupt you .4.你想知道你们教室里有多少张书桌和椅子,你问老师:How many desks and chairs in our classroom?5.奥运会快到了,你告诉别人说你最喜欢看跳水运动,你说:I like watch diving most among other sports. 6.新学期到了,学校里来了一位新老师,你想知道新老师的相貌,你问:What is the new teacher look like ?7.早上起床你想了解今天的天气情况,你问爸爸:How is the weather like today.8.你的爷爷生病了,你去看望他,你关心地问他:How are you ?9.当你同意别人的意见时,应该说:What is your opinion? 10.奶奶买了很多葡萄,你想知道买多少钱,你问奶奶:what's the price of the grapes?11.奥运会快要开始了,你如何告诉网友说暑假你打算坐飞机去北京: I plan to go to Beijing by air in the summer holiday.12.Mike搬新家了,他向别人介绍说他的新家有一个客厅,三间卧房,一个厨房和一个洗手间,他说: There are three livingrooms ,a kitchen and a washroom in my new house .要小学六年级的级别,别弄得我看不懂!问题补充:现在就要啊! 2008-06-05 22:32注意!更新几道题目!1.想知道Jack上个星期三去哪里了,你问Jack:Where had you been last Wensday. 2.Jack告诉你说他去澄海吃美食了,他说:I went to Chenghai to eat somethng delicious.3.妈妈为你买了件新裙子,你想知道它是什么颜色的,你问妈妈?What is the clour of the new dress?4.你想知道新来的英语老师是哪里人,你问同桌同学:Where does the new English teacher come from?5.爷爷奶奶要去旅游了,你想了解他们打算去哪里,你问他们:Where do you want to travel? 。
2. 根据提供的信息写一篇英语日记.急语法之类要对Weather:sunnyWhen On Sunday March 18th,the school held a school trip,we went to Taishan,where the weather is sunny.First of all,we go sightseeing,secondly,we go climbing,took many photos,and then,we went to the gift shop,bought many souvenirs,finally,we take the school bus to return to school,the science teacher was very ha.ppy because the class monitor cleaned the bus,after the trip.在3月18号星期天,学校举行了一场学校旅行,我们来到了泰山,那里天气很晴朗.首先,我们去观光,其次,我们去爬山,拍了许多的照片,然后,我们去了礼品店,买了许多纪念品,最后,我们坐校车返回学校,科学老师很高兴,因为班长在旅行之后打扫了校车. 。