
1. 询问:英语几月几日的写法 正确的写法就是有数字和省略,例如 May,1st. 一般不会 把月日所有的都用英语全部写出来,应该说我还没见到英语文章里谁会把英语日期的每个字母都写出来,这样不符合习惯和常规 。
关于the: 写的时候不用写,但读的时候要读出来 。
英语日期的读法、写法和汉语不同,要注意区别 。英语中年、月、日的表达方法是“月份+序数词,年” 。2001年4月2日应该写成:April 2nd, 2001,或者Apr. 2nd, 2001 读成:April the second, two thousand and one 。一般情况下,序数词是在基数词后加-th,但有几种特殊情况,可按下面规律来记:1、2、3单独记(即first, second, third),8后少t,9少e(即:eighth, ninth),5、12变ve为fth(即fifth, twelfth),整十位数变y为ie再加th(如twentieth),二位以上只将个数变序数词(如thirty-second) 。
例如: October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first
August 26(August 26th)读作August(the)twenty-sixth
2. 高考英语作文询问条件的作文怎么写 Promise is very important, I hate people who break their promise, the one who can't keep his promise is not reliable. Once, my friend asked me to his company him, because he was alone at home, his parents were busy with their work. At first, I said yes to him, but at that day, I had a lot of things to do, when I finished all the things, I found it was dark. I started to hesitated, I wanted to give up to company my friend, thinking about his disappointed face, finally, I decided to keep my words. When my friend saw me, he was very happy. He said she believed me would come, I never let him down. 。
3. 询问英文地址咋写 举个例子供参考:
1. 住址:浙江省台州市黄岩区天长路18号201室 。
Address: Room 201, 18 Tianchang Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province.
2. Address:1120 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203,USA.
【询问英语怎么写的】住址:美国科罗拉多州丹佛市林肯街第1120号,邮编80203 。