怪的英语怎么写( 二 )

如:I find it difficult to do the job well. 我发现做好这件事不容易 。I think it best that you should stay here. 我认为你最好住这儿 。
We think it no use complaining. 我们认为抱怨是没有用的 。2. 用作形式宾语的几个特殊结构(1) 动词+ it + that-从句 。
如:I like it that you came. 你来了,我很高兴 。I take it (that) he will come on time. 我认为他会准时来的 。
You can put it that it was arranged before. 你可以说这是以前安排的 。Rumor has it that the defence minister will soon resign. 据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职 。
【说明】能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有 have, take, put, like 等 。(2) 动词 + it + when (if)-从句 。
如:I dislike it when you whistle. 我不爱听你吹口哨 。We really appreciate it when she offered to help. 她来帮忙了,我们十分感激 。
I'd prefer it if I didn't have to do so much work. 要是我不必做那么多工作,好就太好了 。【说明】能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有 enjoy, hate, love, like, dislike, appreciate, prefer 等 。
(3) 动词 + prep + it + that-从句 。如:See to it that you're not late again. 注意千万不要再迟到 。
Look to it that this doesn't happen again. 注意不要再发生这种事 。You may rely on it that he'll come to meet you. 你放心,他会来接你的 。
I can't answer for it that he will come. 我不能保证他会来 。【说明】能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for 等 。
(4) 动词 + it + 介词短语+ that-从句 。如:I owe it to you that I am still alive. 多亏有你我才仍然活着 。
I took it for granted that he would help us. 我认为他会帮助我们的 。【说明】能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有take it for granted, bring it to sb's attention, owe it to sb 等 。
3. 丑人多做怪【英语怎么说】 中文都看不懂 。
还好去查了一下 。
There is never a foul face but there's a foul fancy.(看下面的解释) 这句不错,自己都学到了 。【成语词条】丑人多作怪 【成语拼音】chǒu rén duō zuò guài 【常用程度】常用 【成语结构】主谓式 【感情色彩】中性词 【产生年代】现代 【成语解释】长相丑陋的人经常做出一些离奇古怪的事来为难别人 【语法用法】作宾语、定语;用于口语 【典故出处】茅盾《叩门》:“是你这工于吠影吠声的东西,丑人作怪似的惊醒了人,却只给人们一个空虚!” 【应用举例】俗话说:~,一点也没假 【英文解释】There is never a foul face but there's a foul fancy. 【歇后语】猪八戒戏貂禅 。
4. 丑八怪英语怎么写 丑八怪
翻译:A very ugly person 相貌丑陋的人 。
二.读音:英 [??gli] ,美 [??ɡli]
1.adj.丑陋的;难看的;有敌意的;不祥的 。
2.n.丑陋的人(东西) 。
四.比较级:uglier 最高级: ugliest
1. But he is an ugly fellow!
2. And part of the river's ugly and many of the bridges are.
其实那条河,有些地段真叫人恶心,好多桥也是丑八怪似的 。
1.n.ugliness 丑陋,丑陋之物
【怪的英语怎么写】2.vt.uglify 把…弄成难看;将…丑化;糟蹋 。