
1. 憎恨用英语怎么说 憎恨 作为语气最重的一个词多用hatehate [heit] vt. 憎恨,恨;不愿,不喜欢n. U憎恶,憎恨 参考例句I hate to have my boss standing over me.我不喜欢上司监督我.He hates the smokiness of pubs and bars.他讨厌酒馆和酒吧里弥漫的烟雾.But it's a title Chou insists he hates.但他本人并不喜欢这个称呼 。
I hate standing on crowded train.我讨厌站在拥挤的火车内 。I noted the hate and vehemence in his eyes.我注意到他眼神里的恨与怒I hate going to the theatre.我讨厌去看戏 。
I hate to come in the middle.我不喜欢戏演到半中间时进场 。Bad treatment fanned their dislike into hate.虐待将他们的不悦激成了恨 。
【怒英文怎么写】总结下来,hate的用法有:hate doing,hate to do,hate sth,hate sb doing还有it形式宾语的用法如:I hate it when people ask me for money 。. 。