否定句的英语怎么写( 三 )

准确地掌握与否定相关的语句形式和用法,有助于提高英语阅读理解的准确性 。本文就中学英语中否定句的常见形式和用法总结如下: 一、常见否定句:否定副词not, seldom, never, hardly, rarely, nowhere等与谓语动词连用 。
例如: I'm afraid that I can not attend your party this weekend. 恐怕这个周末我不能参加你们的聚会 。I can hardly understand what he said just now. 我不能理解他刚才所说的话 。
注意:这些否定副词用于句首时,主句要使用倒装语序 。例如: Seldom does he go to work late. 他很少上班迟到 。
Nowhere else can you find such a beautiful sunset. 你在别的地方不能见到如此美丽的日落 。Never in my life have I heard such nonsense! 我这辈子从来没有听过这种废话! 二、否定祈使句:由“Don't 或Never+ 动词原形”所构成 。
例如: Don't give up trying even though it is difficult to learn English! 英语虽然难学,但千万别放弃尝试! Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 切勿忘恩负义 。Never judge people by their appearance. 不可以貌取人 。
三、全部否定:由“否定主语(否定代词或no+名词)+ 肯定谓语”所构成 。例如: Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 。
None of us can speak French. 我们都不会讲法语 。No man is born wise. 人非生而知之 。
注意:常用“neither/nor + 助动词/情态动词 + 主语”来表达“某人也不……” 。例如: Jim didn't know her secret, neither/nor did Jack. 吉姆不知道她的秘密,杰克也不知道 。
If you don't accept his invitation, neither shall I. 如果你不接受他的邀请,我也不接受 。四、否定转移:常见的否定转移有两种情况 。
1. 含有原因状语从句的主从复合句,形式上虽然否定主句的谓语,然而意义上则是否定该原因状语,译为“并不因为……而……” 。例如:Galileo was not ready to accept it just because Aristotle had said so.伽利略并不只是因为亚里斯多德说过某事如何如何,就轻易相信它 。
The mountain is not valuable because it is high. 山不在高 。2. 当think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine等动词引导否定意义的宾语从句时,通常把从句中的not提前,把主句变成否定句,从句用肯定形式 。
例如:We don't believe that the news is true. 我们相信这个消息不是真的 。I don't think that he is honest. 我认为他不诚实 。
注意:(1)把这些发生否定转移的句子变为反意疑问句时,疑问部分应与宾语从句主谓部分构成反意疑问句 。例如:I don't think that he is honest, is he? 我认为他不诚实 。
(2)not 常用在I think, I believe, I expect, I suppose, I guess, I'm afraid之后,构成省略句 。例如:---Do you think it will be a fine day tomorrow? ---I'm afraid not. ---你认为明天天气会好吗?---恐怕不是 。
---Do you believe that Rocket will win the game? ---I believe not. (=I don't believe so.)---你相信火箭队会赢吗?---我看不会 。五、否定疑问句:常用来表示反问、惊讶、建议、赞叹等语气 。
例如:Don't you know these traffic rules? 难道你不知道这些交通规则吗?Aren't you supposed to be working? 你不是应该正在干活吗?You look pale. Why don't you have a rest? 你看起来脸色苍白,为什么不休息一会儿?Isn't it a lovely day? 天气多好啊!注意:在回答否定疑问句时,要根据具体事实作答 。例如:---Didn't you see the film Titanic yesterday? --- . I would like to have seen it. A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn't C. Yes, I didn't D. No, I did由于yes与肯定句连用,no与否定句连用,首先可排除C, D 两项 。
A, B 形式都正确,但从题目语境中最后一句话“我倒希望自己看了那部电影 。”可知事实上我昨天没有看电影,故答案选B 。