否定句的英语怎么写( 四 )

如果把题干最后一句话改为“It's very moving.”,则说明我昨天看过电影,正确答案就应该选A 。这种“根据事实作答”在运用中很不容易掌握,大家应该仔细体会其用法;同时,这种应答方法也适合于对“前否后肯型”反意疑问句和否定祈使句的回答 。
例如:---You haven't been to Beijing, have you?--- . And I visited the Summer Palace. A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven't C. No, I have D. No, I haven't 从答语提示可知事实上我去过北京,故答案选A 。全句译为:“——你没有去过北京,是吗?——不,我去过 。
我还去参观过颐和园 。”六、非谓语动词的否定式:通常把not或never放在非谓语动词to do, doing, p.p的前面 。
例如:I advised him not to smoke but he wouldn't listen. 我劝他别抽烟,可他不愿意听 。Not having received a reply, she wrote him another letter. 由于没有收到他的回信,她又给他写了一封信 。
Not allowed to take part in the game, they felt very disappointed. 因为不让他们参加比赛,他们感到非常失望 。七、双重否定句:由两个否定词搭配构成,表示一个较强的肯定语气 。
例如:Without air or water, man can not live on the earth. 没有空气和水,人类是无法在地球上生存的 。Don't try to operate this machine。