
1. 大厦的英文怎么写 大厦
1. mansion
2. edifice
high-rise, apartment building, high-rise block, large building, [England] mansion
宽阔的台阶使大厦的正面显得有气派 。
The broad steps in front of the mansion made it look very dignified.
他给我显示了大厦的模型 。
He showed me the miniature of the mansion.
这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇 。
The portal of the mansion looks magnificent.
2. 大厦的东座西座用英语怎么说 rainbo小弟说大家都错了 , 这才是错的 。
east block 只是你们家而已 , 难道你住“南城路”我就不能住“北城街”?一定得“北城路”?
象医院 , 学校这种不是很高 , 但是范围很大的楼 , 一般用wing: west wing, east wing.这个答案比较好
block也不错 , 而且有的地方确实这么用 , 这个词就是“区域”的意思 , 也有“街区”的意思 , 四条小街围起来的一小块叫一个block 。
还有用unit的 , west unit, east unit.
building 是很常用的 , 
west building, east building, building A, building B.
911毁的那两栋就是East tower, West tower
You've got the wrong way. It's on the east wing of the building but it's west here.