
1. 极至用英语怎么说 很多种说法 , 给你例举
1.Death is the consummation of life.死是生命的极至 。收藏指正 3.Production Specification: Obtaining from natural biologic gene, bringing 100% flash and color, creating glittering lips.产品说明:源自天然生物基因 , 带来100%耀动亮彩 , 营造双唇极至闪耀妆效 。收藏指正 4.His rubbery look,and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in.他那似橡胶我眼神 , 以及对狂野和极至行为的酷爱 , 令他名声远扬 , 乐此不疲 。收藏指正 5.Fools deride Me in My divine human form, unable to comprehend My supreme nature as the Ultimate Controller of all living entities.当“我”以非凡的人形出现时 , 愚人们嘲笑我 , 他们无法理解“我”极至的本性是所有生灵的根本主宰 。收藏指正 6.WIE: Would Jung see evil as a complex or force within us? Orwould evil be our own egotistic or narcissistic urges taken to anextreme?容格把罪恶看成我们内心的一个情结还是力量?或者罪恶是我们自我本位或者自恋欲望推向极至的产物?收藏指正 7.The results of experiments show that the rate of the water evaporation in the HVEF is about 1.4 times of the rate of the controls under the experiment conditions. When the distance between the single point pole and the surface of the distilled water is constant, the rate of the vaporization increases nonlinearly with the supplied voltage.实验结果表明 :在实验条件下  , 施加电场后的蒸发速度是不施加电场的 1.4倍左右  , 当针状电极至蒸馏水液面的距离不变时  , 蒸发速度随施加电压的增高而增高  , 但不是线性关系 ;收藏指正 8.Bright diamond, luxury sculpt, delicate design, and delicate cutting make the best explanation for the elegance. Which lady can resist the luxury temp?璀璨的钻石 , 豪华的造型给你笼罩上难以言语的光芒 , 精湛的工艺 , 极至的雕琢则为你的雍容华贵做出了最佳的诠释 。有哪个女人能抵御这奢华的美钻盛宴?收藏指正 9.Electronic amplifiers also made possible a fantastic increase in volume, the music becoming as loud and penetrating as the human ear could stand, and thereby achieving a "total" effect, so that instead of an audience of passive listeners, there were now audiences of total participants, feeling the music in all of their senses and all of bones.电子放大器也可以使音量大到极至 , 音乐显得洪亮而有穿透力 , 震耳欲聋 , 因而达到一种彻底的效果 , 使得听众不再是被动的接受者 , 而是完全地投入 , 用整个身心去感受音乐 。
2. 超级用英语怎么说 超级用英语:super
读音:英 ['su?p?(r)] 美 ['su?p?r]
adj. 超级的;极好的
1、super book 极好的书
2、super dress 极好的连衣裙
3、super meal 极好的饭菜
1、Now that's absolutely super!
这简直好极了 。
2、I bought some pomegranates in the super market.
我在超市上买了一些石榴 。
3、I've discovered a super restaurant near here!
词源解说:直接源自拉丁语的super , 意为超过 。
英 ['eks?l?nt] 美 ['eks?l?nt]
adj. 杰出的;优秀的;极好的
例句:She would have made an excellent teacher.
她本可以成为杰出的教师 。
英 ['m?t?l?s] 美 ['m?t?l?s]
adj. 无敌的;无比的
【极的英语怎么写】例句:All of them make a matchless beautiful picture.
所有这些构成了一幅无比美丽的画卷 。