
1. 韵:的英文怎么写【韵英文怎么写】 rhyme,压韵,韵律,
All human things are subject to decay
And, when Fate summons, monarchs must obey
This Flecknoe found, who, like Augustus, young
Was call'd to empire, and had govern'd long
In prose and verse, was own'd, without dispute
Through all the realms of Non-sense, absolute.
2. 把韵字翻译成英文 rhyme名词 n. 1.韵,韵脚,押韵[U] Tennyson's work was mostly in rhyme. 但尼生的诗大都是押韵的 。
2.同韵语,押韵词[C][(+for/to)] "House" is a rhyme for "mouse". "house"是"mouse"的同韵字 。3.押韵诗;韵文[C] Children like to read little rhymes. 小孩子喜欢读一些轻松的诗歌 。
不及物动词 vi. [W]1.作押韵诗;作诗2.押韵[(+with/to)] "Long" rhymes with "song". "Long"与"song"押韵 。3.(诗,音乐)和谐及物动词 vt. [W]1.用韵诗叙述(或歌颂)2.把 。
写作诗;写(押韵诗) He rhymed out sonnets in her praise. 他写成押韵的十四行诗歌颂她 。3.使成韵[(+with)] She rhymes "love" with "dove". 她将"love"与"dove"两字押韵 。
4.使押韵 Blank verse is not rhymed. 无韵诗不押韵 。5.以作诗来消磨(时间)[(+away)] He would rhyme away the long evenings. 他常常以作诗消磨长夜 。
3. 把韵字翻译成英文 rhyme
名词 n.
Tennyson's work was mostly in rhyme.
但尼生的诗大都是押韵的 。
"House" is a rhyme for "mouse".
"house"是"mouse"的同韵字 。
Children like to read little rhymes.
小孩子喜欢读一些轻松的诗歌 。
不及物动词 vi. [W]
"Long" rhymes with "song".
"Long"与"song"押韵 。
及物动词 vt. [W]
2.把 。写作诗;写(押韵诗)
He rhymed out sonnets in her praise.
他写成押韵的十四行诗歌颂她 。
She rhymes "love" with "dove".
她将"love"与"dove"两字押韵 。
Blank verse is not rhymed.
无韵诗不押韵 。
He would rhyme away the long evenings.
他常常以作诗消磨长夜 。
4. 怎样写英文诗 ED主要从压韵(rhyme)和音节角度来讲写诗 。其实压韵(rhyme)在英语是很简单的,可以用GOOGLE搜索出压韵(rhyme)网站,然后打上单词,所有压韵的词汇全部出来,你慢慢选择就是了 。音节方面讲究对称和平衡 。(一) 全韵与半韵(full rhyme and half rhyme) 。全韵是严格的押韵, why---sigh; hate---late; fight---delight; powers---flowers; today---away; ending---bending. 如果仅是元音字母相同,读音不同,不符合全韵:如: blood----hood; there---here; gone---alone; daughter----laughter. 这种情形被称为“眼韵”(eye rhyme),虽然诗人有时用之,但不是真正的押韵 。仅是辅音相同或仅是元音相同的属半韵:元音不同,其前后的辅音相同,这叫谐辅韵(consonance)如:black, block; creak, croak; reader, rider; despise, dispose. 元音相同,其后的辅音相同者叫谐元韵(assonance),如lake, fate; time, mind.
(二) 尾韵与行内韵(end rhyme and internal rhyme) 押在诗行最后一个重读音节上,叫尾韵 。这是英文诗歌最常见的押韵部位 。诗行中间停顿处的重读音节与该行最后一个重读音节押韵者,叫行内韵 。如: Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king; Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,
(三) 男韵与女韵((masculine rhyme and feminine rhyme) 所押的韵音局限于诗行中重读的末尾音节上,称男韵,也叫单韵,听起来强劲有力 。如:late, fate; hill, fill; enjoy, destroy. 押韵押在两个音节上,后一音节非重读音节,称女韵,也叫双韵,听起来或轻快,或幽婉 。如:lighting, fighting; motion, ocean; wining, beginning. 看下面一节诗: