300的英文怎么写( 二 )

5. ●300分●英文翻译~~在线等~~ 电力行业既是国民经济发展的基础产业,同时也是重要的社会公用事业,直接关系着国民经济发展速度快慢和人民生活水平高低 。
The power industry is the basic industry of national economic development,as well as an important public good.It relates directly to the speed of national economic development and the level of living of the people.电力产品是一种特殊的,没有形式的产品 。它的主要附加产品是服务 。The product of the power industry is a special kind of product with no definite shape.Its main marginal product is service.长期以来,电力行业一直实行的是垄断经营管理模式 。近几年,我国电力体制改革逐步深入,电网市场化运营机制基本建立并快速发展 。The power industry has been run based on monopolised management for a lonf time.In recent years,our country has gone deeper into the reform of the power industry and the marketing of power grid has been established and developed upon.市场需求的介入、竞争机制的引入,都使得电力市场营销环境变得更加复杂,供电公司面临多方面竞争 。The intervention of market demand and the introduction of competitive mechanism have made the market of power supply more complicated,making the power supply companies face competition from various aspects.电力营销工作的好坏,都将直接关系到供电公司的经济效益以及社会效益 。The condition of sales power supply directly affects the economic benefits of power supply companies and the welfare of the society.因此,实施行之有效的营销策略,对于供电公司打开电力市场营销的新局面,赢得未来的电力市场,都具有极其重要的现实意义 。Therefore,implementing efficient marketing strategies has very important and realistic significance for power supply companies in order for them to expand the power supply market and win over future market shares.
好累……先翻一段吧,大意是没错的,但有些术语可能不太准确,希望能帮到你 。