
1. 1到300用英语怎么写 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six
twenty-seven twenty-eight
1 - one
2 - two
3 - three
4 - four
5 - five
6 - six
7 - seven
8 - eight
9 - nine
10 - ten
11 - eleven
【300的英文怎么写】12 - twelve
13 - thirteen
14 - fourteen
15 - fifteen
16 - sixteen
17 - seventeen
18 - eighteen
19 - nineteen
20 - twenty
21 - twenty-one
22 - twenty-two
23 - twenty-three
24 - twenty-four
25 - twenty-five
26 - twenty-six
27 - twenty-seven
28 - twenty-eight
29 - twenty-nine
30 - thirty
40 - forty
50 - fifty
60 - sixty
70 - seventy
80 - eighty
90 - ninety
100 - one hundred
200-two hundred
300-three hundred
2. 300用英文怎么说 300的英语:three hundred 。
英 [θri:] 美 [θri]
num.三;三个;第三(章,页等) 。
n.三岁;三个人[东西];三,三个 。adj.三的;三个的 。
英 [?h?ndr?d] 美 [?h?ndr?d]
num.一百;许多;100 到 999 间的数目;某个世纪的年代 。
n.一百;许多 。adj.一百的;许多的 。
1、They normally charge three hundred pounds but we got it for half price.
他们通常要价300英镑,但我们按半价买到了 。
2、The peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land.
农民们平了300英亩地 。
从 20——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成 。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-”
百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and 。如:
101 a hundred and one 320 three hundred and twenty 648 six hundred and forty-eight 。
千位数以上 从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,” 。从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加 thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion 。然后一节一节分别表示,两个逗号之间最大的数为百位数形式 。
3. 数字1到100用英文怎么写 0 nought;zero;O1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty32 thirty-two40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six192 one hundred and ninty-two200 two hundred300 three hundred400 four hundred500 five hundred600 six hundred700 seven hundred800 eight hundred900 nine hundred1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion)6,000,000,000,000 six million million 。
4. 300字英文作文带翻译 Knowledge can be acquired from many sources.These include books,teachers and practical experience,and each has its own advantages.The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life.We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime,just by reading about them in books.We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways.Furthermore,we can learn from the past by reading books.In this way,we won't repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements. Practical experience,on the other hand,can give us more useful knowledge.It is said that one learns best by doing,and I believe that this is true,whether one is successful or not.In fact,I think making mistakes is the best way to learn.Moreover,if one wants to make new advances,it is necessary to act.Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation.Finally,one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience,making an already meaningful experience more meaningful.However,unless it is applied to real experiences,book knowledge remains theoretical and,in the end,is useless.That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.书本知识与实际经验 获得知识的来源有很多,其中包括书本、老师,以及实际经验,而每一种都有其优点.从书本上及正规教育中所获得的知识使我们知道在日常生活中没有机会亲身去体验的事.通过读书,我们可以研究世界各地的资料,还可以向不曾谋面的人学习.我们也可以培养分析的技巧,并学习如何以不同的方式去观察并理解周围的世界.此外,我们可以通过读书,从历史中获取教训.如此一来,就不会再重复别人的错误,并且能够以他人的成就作为我们行动的基础. 另一方面,实际经验能够给我们更多有用的知识.大家都说从做中学的效果最好,我也认为的确如此,无论一个人成功与否.事实上,我认为犯错是最好的学习方式.此外,如果想要有新的进展,就必须要付诸行动.想要创新,只靠阅读是不够的,必须要去实践.最后,我们可以将通过读书所获得的技巧和见解应用于实际经验中,使得原本有意义的经验变得更有意义.不过,除非我们能将书本知识运用于实际经验中,否则书本知识终究仍只是理论,毫无用处.那就是为什么我会认为从实际经验中获得的知识比从书本中所得到的知识更为重要. 。