
1. 五月用英语怎么表示 五月
n. (May, fifth month,
fifth month of the Gregorian calendar 五月的花儿红呀么红似火 。Red as fire are the flowers that bloom in May.本杂志五月号将刊载该故事的动人续篇 。The May number of the magazine will contain an exciting continuation of the story.这条铁路至迟五月通车 。This railway will be opened to traffic in May at the latest.刚五月 , 天气竟然这么热 。It's only May, yet it's already so hot.这本字典将在五月底发行 。This dictionary will be published at the end of May.
2. 英语里五月简称怎么写 英语月份简写都是三个字母组成(除了九月也可以写为Sept.以外) , May 本身只有三个字母 , 所以没有简写 。
一月 Jan. January
二月 Feb. February
【五月五英语怎么写】三月 Mar. March
四月 Apr. April
五月 May May
六月 Jun. June
七月 Jul. July
八月 Aug. Aguest
九月 Sep. Sept. September
十月 Oct. October
十一月 Nov. November
十二月 Dec. December
3. 5月5日用英语怎么说 分英式与美式两种写说:
英式:5th May
美式:May 5
If you are single, you will find May 5 a good day to meet a new love interest with longterm potential, and on May 16, you may find sizzling chemistry with someone new.
如果你是单身 , 5号是个好日子——去找有意向发展长期关系的新伴侣; 16号 , 你也许会和新伴侣产生强烈的化学反应哦;