疑问的英文怎么写( 二 )

2、without question 毫无疑问 双语例句 1)I told him that his child would pass the examination without question. But he didn't calculate so. 我告诉他他的孩子将毫无疑问会通过考试的,但他不以为然 。2)But … having a well-done and interesting study like this will, without question, get policymakersdiscussing the issues … and I think the knowledge base evolves in that way. 但是……做这样一下很好而又有趣的研究,毫无疑问,能帮助决策者讨论这个问题……我认为知识库就是那样发展起来的 。
3)Without question, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is the most powerful toolwe have, as an international community, to reduce the global disease burden. 毫无疑问,《世卫组织烟草控制框架公约》是我们作为国际社会为减轻全球疾病负担而拥有的最强大的工具 。
5. 消除 疑问 英语怎么说 clear up doubt
His testimony would help to clear up any doubt as to the cause of the death of the deceased.
他的证明有助于澄清有关死者死因方面的所有疑团 。
They meet last night to clear up any linger doubt