
1. 疑问用英语怎么说 这是毫无疑问的 。
There's no question about it.
这是毫无疑问的 。
There's no doubt whatsoever about it.
这是毫无疑问的 。
【疑问的英文怎么写】There is no question about it.
这是毫无疑问的 。
There can be no manner of doubt about it.
That's for sure!
至于你,绅士先生,这年轻女子毫无疑问是你的合法妻子 。
And as for you,squire,as sure as you stand there,this young lady is your lawful wedded wife.
这是事实,毫无疑问 。
That's the fact and no two ways about it.
这是事实,而且毫无疑问 。
That's a fact and no two ways about it.
That's a wonderful idea,to be sure!
那种音乐是糟粕,这是毫无疑问的 。
That music was rubbish,and there are no two ways about it.
2. 疑问英文怎么说 疑问[yí wèn]
1. 那是毫无疑问的 。
There is no doubt about it.
2. 在英语中有些疑问句需要用升调 。
In English, some questions have a rising inflection.
3. 毫无疑问我们会成功的 。
There is no doubt that we will be successful.
4. 我可以毫无疑问地得出结论他在说谎 。
I can draw the conclusion without question that he is lying.
5. 他的诚实是毫无疑问的 。
His honesty is out of question.
3. 问题的英文怎么写 question
名词 n.
1. 问题;询问[C]
She asked me many questions about my adventures in the Arctic.
她问了我许多有关我在北极探险的问题 。2. 要讨论(或考虑)的问题;争端;难题[C] 3. 怀疑;疑问[C][U]
There's no question about his honesty.
他无疑是诚实的 。
名词 n. [C]
1. 问题,疑难问题
Measures have been taken to solve traffic problems in big cities.
业已采取措施以解决大城市的交通问题 。2. 【数】习题,几何作图题 3. 难弄的人,引起麻烦的人[S1]
My kid brother is a real problem.
我弟弟真是个难弄的人 。
4. 毫无疑问的用英语怎么说 毫无疑问的 adj. undisputed英 [?nd?'spju?t?d] 美 [,?nd?'spjut?d] misc. without question 拓展资料1、undisputed 英 [?nd?'spju?t?d] 美 [,?nd?'spjut?d] adj. 无可争辩的;无异议的;毫无疑问的 短语 1)The undisputed 无可争议 2)undisputed boss 没有争议的领袖 3)Undisputed Truth 无可争议的事实 4)Undisputed III 终极斗士3赎罪 5)undisputed victory 无可争辩的胜利 6)undisputed king 公认的高手 7)UFC Undisputed 终极格斗冠军赛 8)Undisputed Title 绝对第一位 9)Be Undisputed 毋庸置疑 双语例句 1)In the weeks since, there had even been conjecture that Ballack, despite his stature as anundisputed star of German football, would never again play for the national team. 自那以后的几个星期,甚至猜测巴拉克,尽管他的身份毫无疑问是德国足球队的明星,但将不再为国家足球队效力 。
2)Lifestyle choices, particularly diet, exercise and smoking habits, play an undisputed role indetermining not only how long one will live, but also how well one ages. 生活方式的选择,尤其是饮食结构、运动和吸烟习惯,在决定一个人的寿命以及晚年生活质量方面具有无可争议的作用 。3)Two men and a woman in the village, in undisputed Georgian territory just outside South Ossetia, were killed just half an hour before Medvedev went on television to announce the pause in fighting. 在紧挨南奥塞梯一个村庄里——这是无可争议的格鲁吉亚领土——村庄里的两个男人和一个女人在梅德韦杰夫通过电视宣布临时停火命令前的半小时被炸死 。