
1. 【多两个地道英语怎么说1多两个/少两个2多了两本书/少了3本书英语地【很少英语怎么写】 1 多两个 / 少两个Two moreTwo less(不可数)/two fewer(可数)2 多了两本书 / 少了3本书多了两本书/少了3本书-two more books/ three fewer books3 我比你多3本书I have three more books than you do./ I have three books more than you do.她比我少了4本书She has four fewer books than I do./ She has four books fewer than I do.这里是比较谁的书多 , 所以不能说I have more books than you , 因为这样听起来你在用你的书比较人家的人 , 而不是人家的书.就像是在说“我有的书比我有的你多“P.S.jenaljoke 的语法全错了. 。
2. 词汇量很少怎么写英文日记 写英语日记和写汉语日记一样 , 每天写一件事就行 , 从简单的事开始 , 力求写好 , 但不必苛求语法和拼写一定正确 , 至少你自己可以看懂 , 并且相信别人也能够看懂.写完后自己大声朗读一遍.其实 , 告诉你怎样写不如写给你个例子做参考:Today is Friday,a last working day of the week.It was also a busy day because I needed to finish everything with my work giving me a complete free weekend.Before leaving my office,I made a phone call to my girlfriend Sarah,in a hope that we could see a new movie together on Saturday.But she said her best friend Diane was badly sick and she would have to see her in a hospital during the weekend.Although I was a little disappointed,I tried to tell her that she was doing the right thing.In fact,Sarah is a nice girl and always kind towards people around her.I think she is the girl that I need to take care of.On my way home,I decided to go with her to see Diane and buy them some flowers. 。