
1. 邻居的英文单词怎么写 “邻居”的英文单词:Neighbour 。
美[?neb?] 。
用作名词 (n.)
My neighbour is always putting on airs.
我的邻居总是装腔作势 。
I'll board out my children with my neighbour.
我将把孩子们寄在邻居家膳宿 。
用作动词 (v.)
The garden neighbours on a golf-course.
那花园与高尔夫球场相邻 。
In front of the house there is a large plot of field, on which neighbours the highway.
房子前面有一大片耕地,耕地与公路邻接 。
2. 英语作文 我的邻居 怎么写 My family has lived in this uptown for a long time. We get along well with our neighbors. Living in the next door is also a family. They have a little boy, who is one year older than me. I like to play with him, so does he. We also study in the same school. So we often help each other to finish homework. Besides, my parents and his parents have a deal to pick up us to school and back home in turn. They all very appreciate each other. Their family is very ardor. They will ask me to eat if they have anything good. Sometimes they will drop by for talking. 。
3. 邻居用英语怎么说 邻居的英语:neighbour
读音:英 ['ne?b?(r)] 美 ['ne?b?r]
n. 邻居;邻近之人或事;邻近值
v. 邻近;接壤
1、associate with neighbour 与邻居交往
2、invite neighbour 邀请邻居
3、friendly neighbour 友好的邻居
4、neighbour on the north 北面的邻国
1、You can inquire of your neighbours where the post office is.
你可以问问你的邻居邮局在哪儿 。
2、The widow gossiped about her neighbors.
这个寡妇说邻居的闲话了 。
3、She loves visiting with her neighbours and having a good gossip.
她喜欢找左邻右舍聊天,说人家的长短 。
4、She used to have a quarrel with her neighbours about some trifles on the average of once every three days.
过去她平均每隔三天就要为鸡毛蒜皮的事和邻居吵一次嘴 。
词源解说:直接源自古英语的neahgebur,意为邻居 。
1、neighbour的基本意思是“邻居”,还可作“邻近的人〔物〕”“邻国”解 。用于比喻时,可指不离左右的东西 。
2、neighbour是英式拼法,美式拼法是neighbor 。
4. 邻居 用英语怎么说 邻居的英文:32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333431346361neighborneighbor 读法 英 ['ne?b?] 美 ['neb?] 1、作名词的意思是:邻居2、作形容词的意思是: 邻近的3、作不及物动词的意思是: 友好;毗邻而居4、作及物动词的意思是:邻接短语:good neighbor 好邻居;睦邻例句:My neighbor and I were chatting over the fence after supper. 我和邻居晚饭后隔着栅栏闲聊 。
扩展资料一、neighbor的近义词:fellowfellow 读法 英 ['fel??] 美 ['f?lo] 1、作名词的意思是:家伙;朋友;同事;会员2、作形容词的意思是:同伴的,同事的;同道的3、作及物动词的意思是:使…与另一个对等;使…与另一个匹敌短语:1、fellow student 同学;(美)领取奖学金的研究生2、poor fellow 可怜的家伙,可怜的人 3、old fellow 老兄;老朋友例句:By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.根据大家的说法,罗杰应该是个好小伙儿 。二、fellow的词义辨析:associate,companion,comrade,colleague,fellow这些名词均有“同事,伙伴”之意 。
区别:1、associate普通用词,侧重指在利害关系上密切相关 。2、companion指陪伴他人的人,即同伴或陪伴 。