
1. 潇洒用英语怎么说 潇洒的英文:nuttiness、pizazz、natural and unrestrained、elegant and unconventional、awsome 。
一、natural and unrestrained 帅性;潇洒的;潇洒 Achievements thus a natural and unrestrained freedom of Black people. 从而成就了一个潇洒自由的烂人 。二、pizazz 英 [?p?'z?z];美 [?p?'z?z] I wanted something that I could add more pizazz to. 我想要的东西,我可以添加更多的潇洒来 。
【潇洒的英语怎么写】 三、elegant and unconventional The former embodies their elegant and unconventional style of conduct, and the latterreflects their vulgar taste for life. 前者体现了宋人潇洒的一面,后者则相反,反映了他们趋俗的一面 。四、nuttiness 英 ['n?t?n?s];美 ['n?t?n?s] You detect that, an Okie nuttiness? 你发现了?一个潇洒的俄克拉荷马州人? 五、awsome 不指人7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333366303861长的帅(潇洒),而是指这个人做出来的事情令人很惊叹和赞赏 。