播放英语怎么写( 二 )

splatter movie 超级血腥暴力影片
movie n. 1.电影 2.电影院
B movie n. B级电影 , 便宜的劣质电影
movie goer 电影观众
movie theater 电影院
3. 还有吗 地道英语怎么说 1 还有吗?
Anything else?
2 办公室还有其他人吗?
【播放英语怎么写】Is there anybody else in the office?
3 还有吃的吗? 没有啦 , 最后一点食物 都被Jack 吃掉了 。
Is there anything to eat? No, the last amount of food was eaten by Jack.
4 剩余的 食物和水 , 只够我们生活3天左右
The food and water left can only make us live for about three days.
5 苏州是离上海最近的城市 , 乘坐汽车大约2个小时左右
Suzhou is the closest city to Shanghai. It takes about two hours by car from Suzhou to Shanghai.
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