
1. 欣赏的一个人英语作文怎么写我要作文答案 Everyone has his own favourite person.My favourite person is my father.My father is a middle-aged man but he is still handsome and strong.He likes reading so he is knowledgeable.And when he was young,he was hardworkng and often got good marks.Now,he is a senior engineer.He is very successful.I thinks he is the best father in the world because he often shows his love to me.When I feel sad,he encourages me.When I have some difficulties,he helps me.He is concerned about me.I'm proud of my father.I love my father. 。
2. 小学英语阅读欣赏的读后感该怎么写 一般可以用自己的感受(一两个词语)做主标题,下一行是读《xxx》有感,为副标题 。也可直接写读《xxx》有感
要选择自己感受最深的东西去写,这是写好读后感的关键 。要密切联系实际,这是读后感的重要内容 。要处理好“读”与“感”的关系,做到议论,叙述,抒情三结合 。
写读后感应以所读作品的内容简介开头,然后,再写体会 。
原文内容往往用3~4句话概括为宜 。结尾也大多再回到所读的作品上来 。要把重点放在“感”字上,切记要联系自己的生活实际,与自己的生活相结合,否则作文会显得空虚 。
【英语的欣赏怎么写】要符合情理、写出真情实感 。注意不要写成流水账