
1. 代替,的英语单词怎么写面对面,的英语单词 replace 英[r??ple?s] 美[r??ples]
【代用英语怎么写】vt. 代替; 替换; 把…放回原位; (用…) 替换;
[例句]The council tax replaces the poll tax next April.
市政税在明年4月将取代人头税 。
[其他] 第三人称单数:replaces 现在分词:replacing 过去式:replaced过去分词:replaced
face to face 英[feis tu: feis] 美[fes tu fes]
[词典] 面对面; 相对;
2. 取而代之用英语英语怎么说,或者能表达出 取而代之 [qǔ ér dài zhī]
[词典] replace sb.; facilitate a takeover; fill sb.'s bonnet; fill [step into] sb.'s shoes; Nail drives out nail.; place oneself in sb.'s stead; succeed in sb.'s place; supersede sb.; supplant [supersede; replace]; take it over; take sb.'s place; take the place of
Trust me, everyone will be doing it in years to come.Well 。as soon as we all findanother site to join and replace it, at least.
相信我,所有人在未来几年都会做相同的事,至少……当我们全都发现并加入另一个取而代之的网站时就会这样 。