出国的邀请函怎么写( 二 )

I'm a student at the (university name). I have enclosed a letter which confirms that I am studying (course title).
I confirm that I am fully funded by (self funded/my parents/name of sponsor) and I receive (XXX money each month/year). I have enclosed evidence (you will need to include your three months original bank statements/if you have a sponsor then also evidence to confirm this) of this and wish to state that I will be supporting (name of visitor(s)) during their stay in the XXX(country name).
I confirm that (name of visitor(s)) will be staying with me at my house in (city name) during their stay. I have enclosed evidence of my accommodation (you will need to include your contract and letter from landlord/agent) and my address is: XXXXXXXX
I would be very grateful if you would approve request for a passport so that(he/she/they) can apply for a visa and therefore visit me. I hope the necessary arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find enclosed the following evidence:
1, Letter from university confirming my registration / working position
2, A copy of my passport and/or current visa
3, My financial evidence (如果在国外费用由邀请人提供)
5, Evidence of my accommodation (如果需要为其提供住宿)
Yours faithfully
(Print name)
4. 出国与邀请函 对 需要你美国朋友给你发邀请函 邀请函要写明很多东西的,比如邀请原因、邀请时间、停留时间、停留地点、费用承担方等等比如你朋友邀请你去旅游 他就要写明 谁谁谁 要邀请你去美国 去做什么什么事 什么时候去 停留多久 在哪停留(就是住哪) 在美期间会去做什么(这个需要附行程表) 在美停留时间的费用谁承担 然后他签字或者他律师签字 这是邀请函基本要有的 手续上,我认为相比与其他发达国家来说,美国的不复杂 收到邀请函后,你去网站填个表 156 和157 然后去中信银行买个卡 预订一下面签时间就可以去签证了不过去之前 你最好把文件准备下 美国大使馆上会写的很清楚 如果你是年轻未婚女性,我建议你就别去申请了 一定杯具文件上,你要看一下费用谁承担 你承担你就可能需要资金证明,证明你有能力自己支付在美费用 这个证明银行开 不过我感觉这不重要,申请美国签证最重要的是给使馆出具你一定能回国的证据 比如你有稳定工作、结婚了、有房子等等 扯远了 如果费用是那边承担 就需要你朋友出具一些东西了 像什么他收入证明啊 纳税单啊 社会保险号码啊 等等 使馆网站上应该有写 总之 网站上所写你文件你都准备一下就对了 关键就是多准备一些能证明你一定能回国的证明 美国使馆签证很效率的,面签 就是说过不过当时就知道 可能你准备的文件 签证官根本就不看 但还是要准备 费用上,自己办签证的话,有个2000多块就足够了,1200的面签费 50块的面签预约电话卡 其他路费什么的都在里面了 。
5. 探亲的邀请函怎么写 五种常见的英文邀请信 /page/8820/ 1) 请对方来发表一个speech,这封信是要感谢对方,同时确认对方对技术设备的具体要求 。
Dear Sir/Madam, I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic " " from [time] to [time]. There will be some time for questions. Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you'll need? If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I'll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need. Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, [name] [title] 2) 这封信则是请对方来参加自己公司的一个招待会 。Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your letter of [date]. I'm glad that you are also going to [place] next month. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair]. Our company is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date] and I would be very pleased if you could attend. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, [name] [title] 3) 这封信是邀请对方公司派人来做介绍 。