
1. 一 一双眉毛
“眉毛”读音(méi máo)
“眉毛”:是人体面部位于眼睛上方的毛发 。
(1)凡事胡子眉毛一把抓,不分主次轻重,反而一团混乱 。
(3)都火烧眉毛了,,你还在家打麻将,真不懂事 。
(4)做工作一定先分清轻重缓急,有序进行,切不可眉毛胡子一把抓,更不能轻重倒置 。
2. “眉毛”的英语单词读音是什么 眉毛的英语单词:eyebrow,音标:英 [?a?bra?] 美 [?a??bra?] ,按音标读音 。
双语例句 1 An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee 早晨喝咖啡时,新闻版面的一则趣闻令我感到惊奇 。2 He raised his eyebrows over some of the suggestions 他对其中的一些建议表示反对 。
3 He was looking at her with his eyebrows raised questioningly. 他皱着眉,狐疑地看着她 。4 He raised a questioning eyebrow. 他探询地挑起了眉毛 。
5 Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl's Eyebrow Pencil in Brown 用“户外女孩”品牌的棕色眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形 。6 'Oh really?' he said, arching an eyebrow. “哦,真的吗?”他扬起一边的眉毛说 。
7 Her eyebrow is well penciled. 她的眉毛画得很好 。8 It's time to lower the raised eyebrow. 是时候放下扬起的眉毛了 。
9 You raised the eyebrow and did it. 你一挑眉就做到了 。10 He stood looking amused, with one eyebrow cocked. 他站在那儿似乎被逗乐了,一边的眉毛翘起 。
11 He rivel his eyebrow when he see they wearing odd clothing. 看他们穿着奇装异服,他皱起了眉头 。12 Da eyebrow eye of SAO walk, as I make faces. 我臊眉耷眼的走了,正如我挤眉弄眼地来 。
13 While speaking, Gao Gao picked an eyebrow. 说话间,高高的挑了一下眉毛 。14 That eyebrow is not ox horn, right? It borns an ox nose. 那是眉毛不是牛角吧?到是长了一牛鼻子 。
15 The saleswoman raised an eyebrow sceptically; her voice sharpened. 女推销员疑惑的扬扬眉毛,提高了嗓门 。16 Hello, I just want to implant eyebrows Advisory beauty salons are a few Only embroidered eyebrow. 你好我想植眉刚咨询了几家美容院都只有绣眉 。
17 His shaggy right eyebrow wanders toward it above the tortoiseshell glasses. 右眼那茂密的眉毛也从玳瑁眼镜的上方向那边斜了过去 。18 Before you raise your eyebrow, I would suggest you read on to know what I mean. 在你扬起眉毛前,先读读我的话吧,你会明白我的意思的 。
19 If someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive; raised a speculative eyebrow. 如果有人看见谁在爬灯柱子,他们也许会好奇;好奇的皱起了眉毛 。20 I raised an eyebrow at what even then were outrageous prices. 我对那些即使在当时也属惊人的价格竖起了眉毛 。
21 A fun definition I heard was, poise is the difference between raising your voice and raising your eyebrow. 我听说过另一种有趣的定义:镇定自如就是提高声音与提起眉毛之间的区别 。22 Up close you can reveal telling details, like a sprinkle of freckles or an arched eyebrow. 更接近时,您可以展示一些明显的细节,如雀斑或弓形眉毛 。
23 He cocked an eyebrow for me to explain. 他向我竖起眉毛要求解释 。24 The woman has three mouths: one is under the nose, two are under the eyebrow. 女人有三张会说话的嘴:一张在鼻子底下,两张在眉毛底下 。
25 Long eyebrow prosthesis has good flexibility, soft, easy to shaping a good preoperative sculpture. 假体隆眉弓具有较好的弹性,手感柔软,易塑形术前雕塑好 。26 Mrs. Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in distain. 威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话 。