开发信怎么写英文( 三 )

我以前也是做业务的,当年大学毕业后从业务助理、跟单做起,后来做sales和sales manager,PA to director,一直到现在做buyer,中间换了几份工作,也经历过大部分朋友所经历的各种问题 。我当时也有这么一段时间,没日没夜地发推销信,找新客人,无休止地报价,但效果甚微 。后来跟很多不同的客人熟识了以后,私底下聊起才发现,当初的开发信写的是大大有问题的 。很多老外也是做sales的,也会写开发信,为什么成交率比我们高很多?即使不说成交率,回复率也大大高过我们?
很多刚毕业的朋友们都是学国贸专业出来的,一般都学过外贸函电这门课,老师们反复教你们怎么写商务信函,怎么回询盘等等,其实这些教材几乎都是学院派人士编的,不是老掉牙过时的东西,就是和现实基本脱节的 。很多老师一辈子都呆在学校里,连外贸都没做过,你怎么能指望从他们这里学到写商务信函的精髓?真正的好的email,必须要模仿老外的行文方式,尤其是英语为母语的客人!即使你的邮件写得四平八稳,语法精到,整篇下来没有任何错误,在大学里可以拿满分作文了,可客人收到以后,还是怎么看怎么别扭 。
详询我Q 。发你邮箱也可以 。
5. 求资深英语高手帮忙翻译开发信 英文信可以这样写:to who it may concern: We are a chinese metal products company, we sincerely hope to have the cooperation with you esteemed company. Perhaps you may have cooperative partners currently. but if we can offer to provide more favourable prize and better quality of the product. it may will be a another alternative for you. Our product: 1,All kinds of lapel pins, 2,Keychains,PVC keychains, 3,Badges,medallions,coins, 4,Money clips,cufflinks,purse hook, 5,wristband,lanyard, 6,buckle belt,dog tags,nameplate.please let me introduce my company, the company is located in the base of Chinese metal products, Xiao Lan. there are 400 staffs, and possesses professional design, manufacturing team. the company is established since 7 years ago, and we are seek the potential customers while we keeping the good relation with the partners.your earliest reaction will be highly appreciated!Sincerely yours,SIMON CAOMarketing Manager (得给自己起个头衔,对老外的商业交流要正规)MSN:333333,E-mail:————————QQ:就免了,老外谁用啊(再加上你们公司的联系电话,传真,地址,这个是英文商务书信的基本要求) 补充回答__________________________________________大哥啊,还要怎么样啊,我经常写商务英文书信就你的原文意思,写出来够不错的了看在你开拓海外市场的份上,帮你写的我也是奋战在海外的华人啊不是每个人都有我这么热心+正好是专业滴 。
6. 手表的英文开发信如何写 大致可以写成这样:
To whom it may concern,
As informed on your website, TOEFL is requested for non-English speakers. I'm wondering if ITTLS could be an alternative since I'd taken that test already, and if affirmative kindly inform the lowest points required.
Thank you in advance for your help.

