
1. 写一封信要英语的 Dear Tom,
Thank you for your decision of visiting me in the holiday. I am looking forward to seeing you and can't wait any longer. I have already prepared a room for you and I will pick you up in the airport. The first day when you come, I suggest that you take a rest in the morning, and then we will going out to meet some other former classmates as well. From the second day, we are going to have our trip of Huangshan Mountain, we will sleep there for 3 nights. After we come back into the city, we will spend another two days hang around here and I will show you some local travel sites. I wish that you will be happy about my schedule for you and please let me know if there is anything you don't like. BTW, the weather here is a bit cold at night. Please make sure that you bring some long sleeve shirt just in case.
哥们你不至于吧 。
谢谢你决定在假期来看我 。我很期待你的到来,都已经等不及了 。我已经帮你准备了房间,我会去机场接你 。你来了后我建议你先休息半天,然后我们再出去见一些老同学 。第二天,我安排我们去黄山,然后在那里留3个晚上 。回来后我再带你去一些本地的好玩的地方 。我希望你会喜欢我的安排,如不喜欢请告诉我 。对了,这里晚上天气很冷,你要带点长袖以防万一 。
2. 如何用英语写一封信 Respectful Miss/Mr xx,
Here is a letter from your student-xxx to ask for your help with my english study.I feel it really hard to remember the english words so that i wonder if you could tell me some better ways in bearing words quickly in mind?I have already tried the one you taught us which is "reading words for 7 times will keep them in mind quickly",but i think it may not be a useful method to me.So i do need your help.May I ?
class x ,grade x
3. 一封给笔友的信英语怎么写【一封信的英语怎么写】 急 20 2007-09-22 用英语给笔友写一封信,内容如下 86 2011-07-10 给笔友的一封信 英语作文 35 2009-08-25 英语作文翻译给笔友保罗写一封信: 39 更多相关问题>> 笔友:英语 笔友:peter 笔友:回信 笔友:飞鸿 2008-11-06 写给笔友的英语作文 146 2010-01-10 找笔友英语作文 113 2011-01-14 笔友用英语怎么写 39 2010-12-25 做笔友的英语是什么 19 2011-11-28 关于笔友的英语作文? 13 更多关于笔友:英语的问题>> 2011-02-17 假如你是李明,你的笔友Peter将随团来你校进行为期一天的学习交流活 。
29 2009-07-19 假如你是李华,应向英国笔友peter的要求,写一封英文信介绍学校的基本 。21 2011-01-07 假如你是李明,你的笔友Peter来信询问你在学校的学习,生活情况,请 。
13 2011-05-06 急!英语作文有木有!假如你叫李华,下面是你的美国笔友peter写给 。11 2012-04-18 英语作文假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter最近来中国学习,他写信向 。
8 更多关于笔友:peter的问题>> 2012-06-17 给笔友回信 1 2011-04-17 英国笔友回信 1 2009-04-13 英文笔友该怎么回信?帮帮忙 6 2008-03-14 帮忙用英文写一封笔友回信!最好带中文翻译 。
4. 【B:根据英文提示,写一封信给你的一位美国朋友.要求不少于70词, Dear 你的朋友的名字,I just received your gift.Thanks a lot for the gift.I really like the T-shirt.It has a bright color and I like the color very much.The size is right.It fits me perfectly.I had a birthday party yesterday.A lot of my friends came to celebrate.I wish you could have joined us.How about your friends?You mentioned that you would go hiking with them last time.Did you have fun?Yours,你的名字我刚收到你的礼物.谢谢你送我礼物.我真的很喜欢那件T恤.它有鲜艳的颜色而且我很喜欢那个颜色.尺寸也正好.我穿着很合身.我昨天开了一个生日派对.我很多朋友来为我庆祝.我希望你也能加入我们.你的朋友怎么样?你上次说你们会去徒步旅行.你们玩得开心吗? 。