
1. 年纪大的用英语怎么写 含有“年纪大”之意的英文有:old、aged、elderly词义解析:一、old读法:英 [??ld] 美 [old] 释义:adj. 陈旧的,古老的;年老的短语:1、old age 老年 ; 晚年 ; [地质] 老年期 ; 高龄患者2、old world 旧大陆 ; 旧世界3、Old Testament 旧约圣经 二、aged读法:英 ['e?d??d] 美 ['ed??d] 释义:adj. 年老的;…岁的;老年人特有的短语:1、aged diseases 老年病2、aged analysis 年老的分析研究3、aged sample 陈置样品 ; 陈化样品三、elderly读法:英 ['eld?l?] 美 ['?ld?li] 释义:adj. 上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的短语:elderly services 安老服务elderly approach 老人的做法 ; 老人办法 ; 老人的方法elderly welfare 老年福利扩展资料同义词辨析:1、old adj. 年老的〔辨析〕普通用词,指人岁数大、年老体衰的 。
〔例证〕He is too old to walk.他太老了,走不动了 。2、aged adj. [正式]年迈的,年老的〔辨析〕常用于指老人高龄的,含有年老体衰、老态龙钟之意,通常作定语 。
〔例证〕She helped take care of his aged grandmother.她帮助照料他年迈的祖母 。3、elderly adj. 上了年纪的,年老的〔辨析〕指人年老或渐老的,委婉用词,含有尊敬之意 。
〔例证〕He is an elderly man, about sixty.他是个年约60岁的老人 。
2. 英语作文 老年之家帮忙及感受 Last Sunday we went to visit the Old People's Home. We set out early in the morning and brought them lots of warmness. We gave them many books and lots of fruits. We talked with them happily and told them lots of interesting stories. We helped them wash their clothes and clean the rooms. We even taught them how to use computers. We were very happy and so were the old. When we had to say goodbye to them, they really didn't want us to go. They thanked us a lot and we really moved by them. Although we did very little,it meant a lot to the old. So next time, if we had chance, we would come again.The school is holding an event to allow students to go to visit homes for the aged grandfather, grandma had. The teacher said, this is the week where Grandpa. We immediately asked the grandfather for several weeks, then weeks Grandpa told us some stories, we listened with rapt attention everybody. Also told us that he has a good life here, the Government is very concerned about their elderly here, here at home as their own, like a warm, well-being. After the story finished, we prepared snacks and fruit to every one old hand, old people are deeply moved. After that, we all started grandfather grandmother who helped clean-up, and everyone has their own living, some sweeping, some to accompany the old people chatting, Wenhanwennuan, as well as the Cabo Li. Each student is done in full swing, too busy to clean up homes for the elderly up and down too dry clean, spotless. Although it has long been sweating profusely, but not one student complained, called tired, and called dirty. On the return trip, I know a lot. There have been many wretched, without family, homeless, the elderly, but they are still free, and happy to live with, because they are society's help, gathered together, has become a family. I am very grateful to those who helped, and so its non-pro non-elderly people, these helpless old people a sense of social warmth. 学校里正举行着活动,让同学们去敬老院看望老爷爷、老奶奶们 。
老师介绍说,这位是这里的周爷爷 。我们大家马上向周爷爷问了好,接着,周爷爷给我们讲了一些故事,大家个个全神贯注地听着 。
还告诉我们他在这里生活的很好,政府非常关心他们这里的老人,这里就像他们自己家一样温暖、幸福 。故事讲完后,我们把准备好的点心和水果送到每一位老人手里,老人们都十分感动 。
之后,我们大家就开始帮老爷爷老奶奶们大扫除了,大家都有各自的活,有的扫地,有的陪老人们聊天,问寒问暖,还有的擦玻璃 。每个同学都干得热火朝天,忙得不可开交,把敬老院上上下下打扫得干干净,一尘不染 。