
1. 我想在一个地方待很久 英语作文怎么写 I want to go to a place During the summer vacation,my mind has a favorite place to go,that is the capital of my country -- Beijing.I always want to go to Beijing,because Beijing has so many places I want to go.For example :the Chinese emperors once lived in houses -- the Imperial Palace,thousands of miles of the majestic the Great Wall,a symbol of the Chinese long history China century altar,and has become the old summer palace ruins and charming the Summer Palace。
The teacher told them once described,students also have off the reel to praise them,they have appeared in my dream.I have put my dream to tell mom and Dad,Dad,mum always only faint smile,and have no plans to take me to Beijing,but I can see their brow to read a sad and helpless,I also have to father can not take me to Beijing and to heart.Finally,this summer vacation,I got good grades in the exam,my mother was pleased to promise to take me to Beijing to play,after I have listened to jump three feet high.But the summer vacation is over half,also did not see the father will take me to Beijing.I was impatient,he was angry and asked his father:" mom said you wanted to take me to Beijing to play?You are pulling my leg!" My father was silent for a long time,with a bit sorry to say:" daughter,father,mother came off sentry duty,because the shop borrowed a lot of money,has not paid.The home economy better,my father will go to Beijing with you,my word!" After listening to his father's words,I am very disappointed,but very sad,because my father,my mother is bearing the heavy pressure of life.I was somewhat reluctant to say to my father:" Daddy,never mind,anyway,Beijing and not run,later to play is not the same?" When I saw the father's brow and relaxed,and a smile,I think this must be from my daughter laugh that understanding.我想去的一个地方 暑假到了,我心目中有一个最想去的地方,那就是我国首都——北京.我一直很想去北京,因为北京有很多我想去的地方.比如:中国皇帝曾经住过的宫殿——故宫,绵延万里雄伟壮观的长城,象征着中华悠久历史的中华世纪坛,还有已成残垣断壁的圆明园和风情万种的颐和园……老师曾经娓娓叙述过它们,同学也曾滔滔不绝地夸赞过它们,它们都曾出现在我的梦里.我也曾把我的梦告诉过爸爸和妈妈,可爸爸、妈妈每次都只是淡淡一笑,并没有表示要带我去北京,但我能从他们的眉宇间读到一丝忧愁和无奈,我也一直为父亲不能带我去北京而耿耿于怀.终于,今年暑假前,我的考试成绩不错,妈妈高兴地许诺我要带我去北京玩,我听了后一蹦三丈高.可暑假快过去一半了,也没有看出父亲要带我去北京的意思.我终于沉不住气了,就生气地问爸爸:“妈妈不是说要带我去北京玩吗?你们都在骗我!”爸爸沉默了好长一段时间,带着几分抱歉说:“女儿,爸爸、妈妈都下岗了,因为开店借了很多钱,到现在还没有还清.等家里经济好一点,爸爸一定会带你去北京,说话算数!”听了爸爸的这一番话,我很失望,但又很伤心,因为爸爸、妈妈正承受着沉重的生活压力.我多少有点不舍地对爸爸说:“爸爸,没关系,反正北京又跑不了,以后去玩还不是一样?”这时我看见爸爸的眉宇又舒展开了,并露出一丝笑意,我想这笑一定来自女儿的那份理解. 。
2. 几个英语 翻译 一 李明将要和我的家人待两周(一般现在时表将来形式~)
li Ming will stay with my family for two weeks
二 我需要整个上午来写我的作业
I need the whole morning to do my homework
三 你想在上海做什么
What do you want to do in Shanghai?
四 你想去哪里旅游
where would you like to travel?
五 给我看一下 你的新书包
Show me your new schoolbag 。
六 我需要给我的语文做一个 计划