
1. 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写 I have a good mother.she is teacher/+一些职业的词。
she has a short curiy yellow hair .she is tall and medium built 。she like cooking .I like cooking too. I often help my mum cook meals when I'm free.on the weekend morning.she usually go shopping in the supermarket with my sister.in the evening . my mom and dad are watching Tv . in sunday my family go to a movie,my mother like comedy.I like too .but my mother do not like documentary 。
she think it is boring.This is my good mother。很幸苦原创的 !望采纳 。
2. 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写 My mother
In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes. Her eyes are as clear and bright as the night sky, and whenever she smileds, they would glow up and shine like a million twinkling stars. Nobody could possibly stay angry or depressed under such a smile, and even a heart of stone would crumble under her shine.
She is also the gentlest person alive. Once, when I scraped my knee by accident, she flew like a wirlwind to my side, and took out a piece of alcohol swab to clean the cut. It stung like I was being bit by a bee, so she started blowing the red rash on my knee. The light gust of wind coming out of her mouth soothed the pain, and suddenly I had the courage to stand up again. I looked up into her eyes, eyes filled with concentration and gentleness.
I love my mother for all that she has given me, and always will.
3. 我的妈妈的英语作文 My mother is my most respected person, and I is not flatter my own mother, both will be replaced by one and the same as I respect her. Her mother, whom I respect most is her place ready to help others not Qiuhui Bao's noble character, I saw his situation to help others, the scene looked until now I have fresh in our memory, even though these are just a trivial thing, but But the spirit is what we should learn.
I am a mother in Kentucky and lunch, while my mother and I ate with relish, this being an uncle came, he hands at the side of the plate on Coke's swaying about to come down. Met with the mother immediately after the stop to eat, go up the uncle's help Coke again. The uncle helped him to see my mother almost lost the Coke up to help, thank quickly, with her mother, said: "You're welcome, the all right." On another occasion, my mother and me in Guangchao Shi, payment in Taiwan to pay Qian, an aunt to see an end to pay the money, to forget that for a very small sewing kit away. No matter how loud the mother, she shouted, as he had gone too far, not heard, so I do not come back, the waiter put it on a sewing kit below the counter. And my mom to get the package, it may be coming, we have seen a sewing kit just forgotten that the aunt also check bags, her mother quickly on the ins and outs of just to say again, that in his aunt's bag , Then turned and found himself really forgotten that the sewing kit. It repeatedly thanked aunt, but also the sewing kit to her mother, but her mother did not accept.
4. 【可爱的妈妈英文怎么写还有“我和你的时间”的英文或“我们的时间 可爱的妈妈……这里这个可爱楼大具体是想说哪方面的可爱呢?因为在英文里“可爱的”有好几个词语:lovely,cute,charming,sweet,likable,etc所以最好在其特定的语义环境里选择合适的adj.不过若是没有特定环境的话,个人觉得还是用lovely稍好些(楼上有用cute的,但cute会比较偏重与指带有聪明意思的可爱)“我和你的时间”……这个光是中文就有歧义……是“我和你 的时间”(引申意即我和你在一起的时间)还是“我 和你的时间”……若是第一种的话应该是:the time I be with you;若是第二种的话应该是:I and your time 。
5. 英语作文翻译:《写给妈妈的信》正文:亲爱的妈妈,这是我第一次【是我妈妈的英语怎么写】