
1. 【跪求一篇初中的英语作文,60【太难英语怎么写】 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention, please? I'm a volunteer. I'm glad to tell you something about using bikes for free in Shenzhen. As we all know, environment pollution and energy waste have become some of the most important topics in this world. The best way to solve these problems is to live a low-carbonlife. Since Shenzhen is a crowded industrialized city, it is very necessary for our residents to change ways of traffic and take advantages from free bikes provided in dozens of rental points all round the city. Moreover, it is obviously convenient if we ride a free bike in a traffic jam. However, if you make a decision to use free bike service, please take care of the bike andreturn it on time. Remember, riding a bike is not only good for our city, but also for your health. Thank you for yourlistening. Have a nice weekend!早上好,女士们,先生们!请大家注意啦!我是一名志愿者,很高兴向大家介绍一下在深圳使用免费单车这件事情.我们都知道,环境污染和能源浪费已经成为这个世界最重要的议题.解决这些问题的最好办法就是低碳生活.深圳是一个拥挤的工业化城市,因此改变居民的出行方式,充分利用城市里数十个租借点免费借用单车出行就显得尤为必要.特别是交通阻塞的时候,骑用免费单车更为便利.不过,如果你决定使用免费单车服务,一定要爱护单车、及时归还.记住,骑单车不但对我们的城市有益,也利于健康.谢谢大家的聆听.祝各位周末愉快!----------------------------不算开头和结尾已经给出的文字,全文共121个字.您可以根据需要删除一部分,比如删除交通阻塞那句话.希望对您有帮助. 。