
1. 长的英文怎么写 long长(长) [cháng]形容词(两端之间的距离大,兼指时间和空间) long:In summer the days are long and the nights short.夏季昼长夜短 。
【生长的英文怎么写】This is a long river.这条河很长 。(引申为永远) forever; lasting:depart from the world forever; pass away与世长辞名词(长度) length:The length of the bridge is 200 metres.那座桥有200米长 。
The boat won by three lengths.这只艇以3艇长之差得胜 。(长处) strong point; forte:overcome one's shortcomings by learning from others' strong points取人之长,补己之短(姓氏) a surname:Chang Wuzi长武子动词(对某事做得特别好; 擅长) be good at; be strong in:(对某事做得特别好; 擅长) be good at; be strong in:She is good at painting.; Painting is her forte.她长于绘画 。
副词(常) often:(常) often:go about sth. little by little without a letup细水长流长(长) [zhǎng]形容词(年纪较大) older; elder; senior:older than her;比她年长My brother is senior to me by two years.家兄比我年长两岁 。He belongs to my father's generation.他比我长一辈 。
(排行最大) eldest; oldest:eldest daughter;长女eldest brother长兄名词(领导人) chief; head; leader:(领导人) chief; head; leader:head of a delegation;代表团团长chairman of the board;董事长section chief;科长the chief of a family一家之长动词(生) come into being; begin to grow; form:get cancer;长癌have a boil;长疮get rusty;长锈The peach tree is wormy.桃树长虫了 。These trees come into leaf in February.这些树二月里长叶子 。
(生长; 成长) grow; develop:Youth is the time of physical growth.青年时期是长身体的时期 。She has grown so that she is even a little taller than her mother.她长得比母亲都高一点了 。
The crops are growing very well.庄稼长得很旺 。(增进; 增加) acquire; enhance; increase:increase one's knowledge; gain experience;长见识Such a tendency is not to be encouraged.此风不可长 。
2. 生长,植物生长用英语怎么说最合适 plant growing
英[plɑ:nt ?gr????] 美[pl?nt ?ɡro??]
[词典] 植物生长,植物栽培;
Land plant growing in surroundings having an average supply of water; compare xerophyte and hydrophyte.
生长在中等水源环境下的陆地植物;与旱生植物和水生植物构成对比 。
3. 生长,植物生长用英语怎么说最合适 plant growing
英[plɑ:nt ?gr????] 美[pl?nt ?ɡro??]
[词典] 植物生长,植物栽培;
Land plant growing in surroundings having an average supply of water; compare xerophyte and hydrophyte.
生长在中等水源环境下的陆地植物;与旱生植物和水生植物构成对比 。