
1. 出名 英语怎么写 (著2113名; 有名声) famous; well-known例如:52614102He has gaind considerable repute.他已相当出名1653 。
Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries.桂林因风景优美而出名 。He is famous for his learning.他以有学问而版出名 。
另外,词组如:权make one's mark,rise to distinctiongain,(attain, win) distinction也是可以的 。
2. 出名 英语怎么写 (著名; 有名声) famous; well-known
例如:He has gaind considerable repute.
他已相当出名 。
Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries.
桂林因风景优美而出名 。
He is famous for his learning.
他以有学问而出名 。
另外,词组如:make one's mark,rise to distinctiongain,(attain, win) distinction也是可以的 。
3. 【英语翻译句子是这样的Rumors,embroideredwihtdetail,liveonforyears, even among people not known for their credulity.汉语翻译是 即使在那些不容易轻信的人群之中.而英语 其实是 过去分词短语作定语 not 修饰的 是known for their credulitypeople not known for their credulity.=people who are not known for their credulity 也可以 翻译成 不是以轻信而闻名的人们其实就是be known for句型的否定形式.思维发散了一下 如果 把修饰people 的定语 麻烦 改成 “那些容易轻信并且不是很出名的人”可以这样 写people who are credulous and not very known意思与原句有出入 。
4. 关于中国出名的东西..用英语写 长城 the Great Wall
故宫(紫禁城) the Palace Museum( the Forbidden City)
人民大会堂 Great Hall of the People
颐和园 the Summer Palace
香山 the Fragrant Hill
天安门广场 Tian An Men Square
人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's heroes
毛主席纪念堂 the Memorial Hall to Chairman Mao
天坛 the Temple of Heaven
北海公园Beihai Park
亚运村 Asian Games Village
【出名的英语怎么写】首都机场 the Capital Airport
民族文化馆 the Nationalities Cultural Palace
北京动物园 Beijing Zoo
首都体育馆 the Capital Gymnasium
中国人民历史博物馆 Museum of Chinese History and the Chinese Revolution
中国人民革命军事博物馆 Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution
农业展览馆 the Agriculture Exhibition Hall
中国美术馆 the Chinese Art Gallery
雍和宫 the Yonghegong Lama Buddhist Temple
十三陵 the Ming Tombs