怎么写感谢信英文( 四 )

过去 , 感谢信一般由当事人亲笔写在信纸或卡片上 , 然后通过传统邮政服务(因其既花钱又费时 , 常被称做snail mail , “蜗牛信件”) 。现在 , 随着电子邮件的普及 , 它已迅速取代传统的书信和卡片 。
下面这个范例是John Gu为感谢同事在自己生日那天为自己的办公室布置了喜庆的装饰物 , 并赠送一家餐馆礼券而写的感谢信: 范例: Hi, everyone, I'd like to thank each of you for making my birthday a great day(1).It felt really festive(2) to be surrounded by all of the decorations(3) all day!In fact, if you haven't noticed, I'm reluctant(4) to take them down.Also, your gift certificate(5) to the Real Seafood Restaurant was very generous(6) and I can assure you I will put it to good use! Thanks so much! (7) John (1)英文信函的习惯是开门见山 , 段落的第一个句子常常是该段落的主题句(topic sentence),“I'd like to thank each of you for making my birthday a great day” 很清楚地表达了写信的目的 。类似的主题句还有:“Thank you for spending so much time with me during my visit to your headquarters on Monday.”和“Leon and I are so grateful for your kindness during our stay in your house last week.” (2)festive:过节似的、喜庆的、欢乐的 (3)decorations:此处指表示喜庆的装饰物 , 如气球、彩条 , 表示幽默的漫画等 。
(4)be reluctant to: 不情愿的 , 舍不得的 (5)gift certificate:礼券 (6)generous: 丰厚的、丰盛的、大方的 (7)结尾时可以再次向对方表示感谢 。类似的句子还有:Thank you again for your time.Thank you again for your generosity. 谢谢 。