
1. 用英语怎么写麻烦各位师傅,谢谢 I have received your photos. It's great. It must be comfortable of you to work there, as you can hear the sound of sea waves at any time. You can walk along the beach and feel better when something unhappy happened in your work or life. I will cheer you on across the ocean. Would you like me to work in the USA? I can't find a job there because I don't know English at all. Let's talk about it later when I learn English well. I'm going to apply for an English course, but I don't have enough time. 。
2. 谢谢老师的英文怎么说 “谢谢老师”的英文:Thank you, teacher. 其中thank 是感谢,谢谢的意思;teacher 是老师,教师的意思 。
【师傅的英语怎么写】并不是所有情况下的“谢谢老师”都应该说“Thank you, teacher.”比如说一个教授(professor)如果你叫他教师(teacher)是非常不礼貌的 。一般都是以职称为后缀的 。
1、trainer,培训师、教练 。train表示“培训”那么trainer顾名思义,就是 “培训师”的意思 。从这个意义来说,trainer=instructor=coach,上述三个词都表示“教练”
例句:He is my fitness trainer.他是我的健身教练 。
2、tutor,私人教师 。培训机构里的一对一辅导老师也是tutor,对了之前讲到的为了赚外快而去给低年级学生补习的大学生,也算是tutor的一种类型 。
例句:Most parents have no time to tutor their children. 大部分家长没有时间辅导孩子 。
3、lecturer,讲师 。有些是给本科生带基础学科的研究生或博士生,有些是为谋求职称而必经此路的新老师,有些公开课讲师是校外聘请的兼职老师,等等 。他们作为“讲师”的身份,都可以被称为:lecturer 。
例句:He is a lecturer in law. 他是个法学讲师 。
4、professor,教授 。我们要区分一个概念:“教授”(professor)属于“职称”(the title of one's professional position),lecturer实际上也是一种“职称” 。而“博士”(doctor)是一种“学位”(academic degree),另外,“硕士”(master),“学士”(bachelor)也是学位 。
例句:He was appointed professor in the university for life. 他被任为那所大学的终身教授 。
5、mentor,导师 。mentor其实并没有太多“神圣”的色彩,任何在生命中用他们的经验和知识帮助过你的人,都可以被成为mentor,比较像“导师”的广义理解 。
例句:Some guidance from the mentor may be required. 可能需要来自指导者的一些指导 。