
1. 厨房英语怎么写 kitchen
n. 厨房,炊具
kitchen cabinet
soup kitchen
kitchen appliance
kitchen range
kitchen table
kitchen utensil
kitchen garden
kitchen stove
kitchen sink
厨房洗涤池,激进现实主义【医】 厨房洗涤盆
a room equipped for preparing meals
She liberated herself from the kitchen.
她把自己从厨房里解放出来 。
The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out.
厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了 。
A kitchen utensil for whipping foodstuffs.
The waiter sang out our order to the kitchen.
侍者大声地向厨房喊出我们所点的菜 。
She boiled rice in the kitchen.
她在厨房里煮饭 。
【厨房怎么用英语写】The dining-room communicates with the kitchen.
饭厅与厨房相通 。
The dining-room is twice as big as the kitchen.
餐厅是厨房的两倍大 。
We are decorating the kitchen again this summer.
今年夏天我们将重新装修厨房 。
2. 厨房的英文怎么写 kitchen
May you be happy every day and make great progress !
3. 怎样用英语描写厨房(小短文) I have a small kitchen, but I love it so much. First, it is my dream place in my house because I can cook whatever I want to cook. As the person who wants to achieve a career in the carinary art, I love to try new things by mixing different food together with various souces. As the result, I consider kitchen will be my dream place at home. Also, I think kitchen is a place where I can make my family members happy. I can cook food for my family and they would love it. I have a small kitchen, but it is very neat because I keep everything in order. Last, the wall of my kitchen is white, so I work very hard to make it clean. 。
4. 厨房的英文单词怎么写 厨房 [chú fáng]
[词典] kitchen; diet-kitchen; cuisine; cook house; [电影] The Naked Kitchen;
[名] galley; cookroom;
[例句]罐子爆炸了,不但炸毁了厨房和浴室,还把窗户炸飞了 。
The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows
5. 我家的厨房英语的写法 my kitchen
having a wonderful kitchen has long been my dream, and now i've finally got one. i like it very much, it's beautiful although it is not very big. i always keep everything in my kitchen clean and tidy. i clean my kitchen carefully everyday. and i buy many useful things for my little kitchen,too. i love it so much!