
1. 变态英文怎么写 心理变态:psychopathy
Relating to or affected with an antisocial personality disorder that is usually characterized by aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.
心理变态的与一种通常以侵犯性 , 变态 , 犯罪或反道德行为为特征的反社会人格病症有关的或患有此种病症的
A person lacking or having progressively lost normative biological or psychological characteristics.
【变态英语怎么写的】精神变态者 , 身心不健全者缺乏或逐渐丧失了规范的生物特征或心理特征的人
A mental deviation or aberration.
Of, relating to, or characterized by psychopathy.
精神变态的精神变态的 , 与之相关的 , 有精神变态特征的
Of, relating to, or practicing sexual perversion.
性变态的性变态的 , 与性变态有关的 , 或体验性变态的
Leather types; a leather bar.
psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior.
加强合理行为的训练来抑制变态行为的一种心理治疗 。
abnormal psychology
doctrine of metamorphosis
It marks the reappearance of McCarthyism, active in the United States during the 1950s, and reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians hostile to China's development and becoming powerful.
这是美国50年代麦卡锡主义幽灵的重现 , 是美国一些反华政客仇视中国发展和强大的变态心理的表现 。
2. 变态英文怎么写 心理变态:psychopathyRelating to or affected with an antisocial personality disorder that is usually characterized by aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.心理变态的与一种通常以侵犯性 , 变态 , 犯罪或反道德行为为特征的反社会人格病症有关的或患有此种病症的A person lacking or having progressively lost normative biological or psychological characteristics.精神变态者 , 身心不健全者缺乏或逐渐丧失了规范的生物特征或心理特征的人A mental deviation or aberration.神经错乱或精神变态Of, relating to, or characterized by psychopathy.精神变态的精神变态的 , 与之相关的 , 有精神变态特征的Of, relating to, or practicing sexual perversion.性变态的性变态的 , 与性变态有关的 , 或体验性变态的Leather types; a leather bar.性变态类型;性变态者惠顾的酒吧psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior.加强合理行为的训练来抑制变态行为的一种心理治疗 。
abnormal psychology变态心理学doctrine of metamorphosis变态学说It marks the reappearance of McCarthyism, active in the United States during the 1950s, and reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians hostile to China's development and becoming powerful. 这是美国50年代麦卡锡主义幽灵的重现 , 是美国一些反华政客仇视中国发展和强大的变态心理的表现 。
3. 变态的英文怎么写h这个字母打头的哪个英文h这个字 metamorphosis
abnormaladj.反常的 , 异常的;不规则的;变态的 , 畸形的;邪门儿
modificationn.修改 , 修正 , 变更 , 改良 , 改进 , 缓和 , 减轻 , 限制;[语]修饰 , (用变音符号的)母音改变;[生]诱发变异 , 变态 , 变体 , 变型