
1. 亲爱的老公生日快乐英文怎么写 亲爱的老公生日快乐英文表示为:Happy birthday, dear husband 。
其中husband英式发音为[?h?zb?nd] , 美式发音为[?h?zb?nd]。意思有:丈夫 , 〈英〉管家 , 〈古〉节俭的管理人 , 船舶管理人 。
拓展资料 husband 1、My husband has just had a blazing row with his boss. 我丈夫刚和他老板大吵了一架 。2、She had been beaten and humiliated by her husband 她遭到丈夫的殴打和羞辱 。
3、My husband says I am frigid. 丈夫说我性冷淡 。4、She had remarried and desired a child with her new husband 她又结婚了 , 并且渴望和新任丈夫生个小孩 。
5、She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband 她还从没和她的丈夫一起过过圣诞节 。6、I feel my husband is very insensitive about my problem. 我感觉丈夫对我的问题麻木不仁 。
7、The house is in my husband's name 房子是我丈夫名下的 。8、I was with my husband for eight years in total 我和丈夫在一起的时间总共有8年 。
9、Her husband's been dead a year now 她的丈夫已经去世一年了 。10、Last year my husband owned up to a secret affair with his secretary. 去年丈夫向我坦白了他与秘书的私情 。
2. 亲爱的老公生日快乐英文怎么写 1、亲爱的老公生日快乐的 英文是:Happy birthday, dear husband 。
2、其中老公的英文是:husband , 生日快乐的英文是:happy birthday 。
happy birthday
1、Happy birthday to you!
2、Happy Birthday!
3、Happy birthday, sweetheart.
生日快乐 , 亲爱的 。
4、He piped "happy birthday" on the cake.
他在蛋糕上镶上了“生日快乐”的字样 。
5、The whole class all joined together to sing happy birthday to the teacher.
全班学生一起对着老师唱起了《生日快乐》歌 。
6、Happy Birthday my dear English Association and thank you!
7、I am having a happy birthday!
【生日快乐老公英文怎么写】8、Happy Birthday to you, my best friend and classmate!
祝您生日快乐 , 我最好的朋友和同学!
9、All my friends join me in wishing you a happy birthday.
我的所有朋友和我一道祝你生日快乐 。
10、Oh, that's great! I'd love to. Happy birthday to you!
哦 , 那太好了 。我非常愿意 。祝你生日快乐!

