怎么写加薪邮件( 五 )

7. 求英语高手如何写加薪邮件 推荐篇范文,希望对你有帮助:
Application of Allowance
Dear XXX
As you know my original responsibility is charge to deal with all documents according to corresponding salary level, but now Lucy is in maternity holiday and her job hand over to me , so total workload is too much even more double than before, it is really very busy for me.
There are often orders which the delivery is very urgent, I prepare not only many files to production department/ forwarder/ agent/ hamburg ,but also documents for others order such as invoice ,packing data,BL confimed,quotation……, although so ,I still try my best to do, but I also wish company can pay corresponding allowance to me during this period.
I wish the allowance should be 2000rmb per month at least .
Look forwad to your reply!
【怎么写加薪邮件】Best regards