反思英文怎么写的( 二 )

3. 英文反思200字 I become 1 the first day already student in a twinkling, school term. Have looked back upon this school term , have produced a lot of feeling at heart right away. Every one day that this experiences in the school term, my such freshman's grows up because of these print witness already in having left permanent print at my heart. I think that now as if self having known a lot of thing, but polish the queen carefully not exactly so. But insignificancy also probably may make fun of now on the hereafter, we look back upon road go by us being cannot do otherwise than laugh. This time have an exam , I have summed up the following intravenous drip: On studying, I am fully aware of the significance studying. I have thought that facing knowledge is a strength right away , have left knowledge will be a completely bad disabled person. Middle school times is to study modern sciences knowledge's the golden age, I ought to seize opportunity beneficial to this , use knowledge to come to arm self mind, knowledge is non-valent's. Arrange time for rationally , adjust time easy to work and rest, time finishing assigning study about , job , entertainment. Time is a prerequisite for doing well in study about with the basis , efficiency and method are more important. Secondly, need to guarantee both quality and quantity accomplishing the school assignment that the teacher arranges , treating have an exam carefully, have a test in front reviewing carefully. The knowledge reading books after school , expanding self actively seizes intravenous drip time study about face to face. Often bring forward a problem , discuss that with the schoolmate , ask the teacher for advice; Do well in teacher-student relations , teacher and student getting along harmoniously harmoniously; In current mid-term examination, be still no ideal place , still need continuing effort although feeling is fine,pay close attention to self study about. Knowledge has no limits , the exploration has no limits , 。
4. 教材分析 教学反思 用英语怎么说 一、教材分析 翻译:Textbook analysis
教学反思 翻译:Teaching introspection
英 [??ntr??spek?n] 美 [??ntr??sp?k??n]
n. 自我反省;反省 , 内省
1、When I was at start of introspection.
我开始反思的时候了 。
2、From both introspection and conversation, I have formulated a general law on this subject.
根据自我反思和(互)谈 , 我用公式阐明了一条有关这个主题的一般规律 。
review 英 [r??vju:] 美 [ r??vju]
vt. 检讨 vi. 复习功课;写评论
例句:1、the government's review of its education policy
政府对其教育政策的检讨 。
2、The case is subject to judicial review .
这个案子必须接受司法审查 。
adj. 顽固的 , 固执的
例句:1、He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way
他性格固执 , 惯于一意孤行 。
2、This treatment removes the most stubborn stains
这种处理方式会清除最顽固的污渍 。
5. 怎么写英语反思啊 首先学习贵在坚持哦:以下是我的一点小建议:
1》 跟着老师走 , 学好课堂知识 , 很简单 , 可恰预习 , 课后复习巩固 , 把布置的任务保质保量完成
2》 自己的学习:英语学习有 词汇 , 语法 , 听力 , 阅读
写作 , 选好学习资料 , 每天根据自己的情况背一定量词汇 , 晚上 , 一天 , 三天 , 一个星期都过一遍 , 语法中的从句和语态及固定搭配织重点 , 没天给自己下任务 , 听力就要选择适合自己的感兴趣的材料 , 每天坚持听会儿剩下的就是阅读和写作训练了 , 三天或一个星期做一次限时训练