
1. 用英文写日程安排 *Day 1
8:00 a welcome with a cup of tea
intruduction between my friend and my family
8:30 having a look of my home
showing him my collections(if you have any)
9:30 chatting with him
watching TV together
having some fruit
11:45 a meal cooked by me
13:00 having fun piaying (video games or anyting else)/singing/drawing
14:30 having an afternoon tea
15:15 walking around my block
talking and enjoying the view
16:00 a dinner in a nearby restaurant(if you feel like,you can make it by yourself or with your friend)
17:30 enjoying a film we like both
20:40 have a cup of tea
time to say good bye
*Day 2(As you need.but I won't make the plan anymore for you!I'm deadly exhausted!)
2. 计划自己的时间要做什么英语翻译 plan your (own) time to make clear what (exactly) to do (next)该句中带()的都是可有可无的内容.特别说明:3楼的翻译有2处错误(1)schedule是不符合题意的.问题中连“做什么”都不清楚则说明要做的事情还不明确,而schedule不是“计划”是“排期、排时间、排顺序”,也就是说要做的事情你“已经”知道,只是“谁先谁后”以及“如何在最短的时间内、用最有效的方式把事情做完”还尚待解决,schedule做的就是后面这个工作.(2)deed和thing还是有区别的.thing泛指任何事物(包括事和物),而deed是指做过的事情(已经完成的行为),所以本题用deed是逻辑错误. 。
3. 写一篇关于怎样去安排时间的英语文章 What should students do in their part time?
Nowadays, students have to work harder and harder then they used to due to the study pressure in school. They spend 8 hours in school and most of their spare time at home doing homework. That's why many students don't take part in many physical activities.
I would suggest that students spend more time doing physical exercise in their spare time. Playing basketball will help them not only to exercise their physical bodies but also help them to relax their tense mind, therefore, they can learn better. Going to cinema is another way to relax. Listening to music will be very good for the students to have peace in mind after long hours hard work. Besides, they can also go out for a walk in the countryside, to get close to the nature, or do some gardening.
There are many different activities the students can do in their spare time, which can really help them to relax. If they can follow these suggestions, they may learn much better than only studying without relax.
如今,学生们必须努力学习然后他们用来由于在学校的学习压力 。他们在学校度过8个小时,大部分的空闲时间在家里做作业 。这就是为什么许多学生不参加许多体育活动 。
我建议,学生花更多的时间做体育锻炼在他们的业余时间 。打篮球会帮助他们不仅能锻炼他们的身体,但也帮助他们放松他们的紧张的心灵,因此,他们可以更好的学习 。去电影院是另一种放松方式 。听音乐将会非常有利于学生心灵的和平努力工作后很长时间 。此外,他们还可以出去散步在乡下,去接近大自然,或做一些园艺工作 。
有许多不同的活动,学生可以在课余时间做些,它真的可以帮助他们放松 。如果他们可以遵循这些建议,他们可以学习更好的比只学习不放松 。
4. 时间的英语怎么写 时间
过去式:timed; 过去分词:timed; 现在分词:timing; 复数形式:times;
1. 时间2. 次, 回3. 时代, 时期4. 时机, 做某种活动的时候5. 衡量(或计算)时间的方法6. [常作复数]境况;境遇7. 所需时间;空闲时间;业余时间;足够的时间8. 【音乐】拍子;节奏;速度;节拍;音的长度;休止的长度