
1. 情况并不乐观的英文怎么写 The situation is still far from optimistic 比较贴切,因为它强调了‘并’这个字 。
The situation is not optimistic的意思是‘情况不乐观'而不是‘情况并不乐观’
摘 要:目的分析广西影响DOTS策略实施的因素,并就完善实施DOTS策略提供翔实的科学依据 。方法查阅近年有关DOTS策略实施的研究文献,在纵观DOTS策略实施的进程中,结合广西的具体情况,分析DOTS策略在广西实施的基本情况及影响因素 。结果虽然广西已经全面开展了DOTS策略实施工作,并取得了一定成果,但DOTS策略的实施现状并不乐观 。结论必须进一步完善DOTS策略在广西的实施 。
Abstract:Objective To analyze the factor affecting the implementation of DOTS strategy in Guangxi,and to provide the detailed scientific basis on the consummation of the DOTS strategy. Methods The basic situation and influence factor of implementation on tuberculosis DOTS strategy in Guangxi were analyzed by consulting the related recent literature on researches of implementation of the DOTS strategy and looking over the advancement of the implementation of the DOTS strategy. Results The current situation of implementation of the DOTS strategy is still far from optimistic even though the implementation work of the DOTS strategy have been developed comprehensively and some achievements have been made. Conclusion The implementation of the DOTS strategy have to be further improved.[著者文摘]
Key words:pulmonary tuberculosis/prevention and control;the DOTS strategy;influence factor;countermeasure
2. 保持乐观的心态 的英文翻译 保持乐观的心态的英文:Keep an optimistic attitude 一、optimistic 读法 英 [??pt??m?st?k] 美 [?ɑ:pt??m?st?k] adj.乐观的,乐观主义的 短语: cautiously optimistic 审慎乐观 optimistic estimate 乐观估计;最乐观时间 二、attitude 读法 英 [??t?tju:d] 美 [??t?tu:d] n.态度;看法;姿势;个人风格 短语: aesthetic attitude 审美态度;美感态度 attitude to win 渴望胜利 attitude of mind 思想方法;观点 aggressive attitude 侵犯态度 social attitude 社会态度 attitude change 态度改变 attitude survey 态度调查 扩展资料attitude的用法: 1、attitude的基本意思是“态度,看法”,指一个人的态度、心态、感觉及想法等,作此解时常与介词to或towards连用,表示“对…的态度或看法” 。
2、attitude也可作“姿态,姿势”解,是正式用语 。3、attitude前用介词in时常与静态动词搭配使用,用介词with时常与动态动词搭配使用 。
4、attitude后常接towards/to,指“对于……的态度,看法”,如her attitude towards/to the question(她对这个问题的看法) 。值得注意的是,因上面例子中的宾语是question,有时候可以用on代替to,如her attitude on the question 。

