
1. (告诉)这个英文单词怎么写 告诉 [简明汉英词典] tell wise wise up 告诉 [汉英法学大词典] accuse; charge; complaint; file a legal complaint; indict; ; accusation; charge; complaint; information ; file an accusation to feudal officials in ancient China 告诉 [汉英航海大词典] inform about ;inform of ;let in on ;make someone acquaintedwith ;share with ;tell to ;told 告诉 [汉英经贸大词典] told 。
2. 谁能告诉我这些单词怎么写 What are A and B
look for a weekend tutor
make me laugh
beat me by playing tennis
win the basketball match
do the same things as I do
neither nor
either or
learn lesson well
friends like me
clever than me
more outgoing than me
as serious as him
be different from
more athletic than us
learn even better than them
3. 英语单词不告诉你怎么写 Don't tell you
我不告诉你Do not tell you;more patient;I won't tell you;I can not tell you
就不告诉你Do not tell you;Won't tell you
就是不告诉你Just don't tell you
我就是不告诉你I just don't tell you;I don't tell you

